The branchèd atoms form each planted thing:
The hooked points pull out, and make1 them spring;
The atoms round give juice, the sharp give heat,2
And those grow herbs, and fruits, and flowers sweet.3
Those that are square and flat, not rough withal, 5
Make those which stone and minerals we call.
But in all stones and minerals (no doubt)
Sharp points do lie, which fiery sparks4 strike out.
Thus vegetables and minerals do5 grow
According as the several atoms go. 10
In animals all figures do agree,
But in mankind the best of atoms be.
And thus, for ought we know, the world’s whole frame6
May last unto eternity the same.7
- make] makes 1653
- The atoms round give juice, the sharp give heat,] Sharp Atomes do give heat, the Round give juice, 1664; Sharp Atoms do give heat; the Round, give juyce; 1668
- those grow herbs, and fruits, and flowers sweet] these do Flowers, Herbs, and Fruits produce. 1664, 1668
- fiery sparks] Fire makes 1653
- vegetables and minerals do] Vegetables, Minerals do 1653; Minerals and Vegetables 1668
- for ought we know, the world’s whole frame] in Nature the whole World may be, 1653
- May last unto eternity the same.] For all we know, unto Eternitie. 1653