The Agreement of Some Kind of Motion with Some Kind of Atoms


Some Motion with some atoms doth2 agree,
Fitting them to their place, as just3 may be,
Where they by Motion’s help so strong do grow,4
That hardly Motion shall5 again undo.
Motion’s inconstancy oft gives such power           5
To atoms, as they can Motion6 devour.

  1. In 1653 this poem is called “An Agreement of Some Kind of Motion, with Some Kind of Atoms”
  2. doth] well 1653
  3. Fitting them to their place, as just] Fits them to places right, as just 1653; Fitting them to their place, just as 1664; Fitting them to their Place, just as 1668
  4. Where they by Motion’s help so strong do grow,] By Motions helpe, they so strong joyne each to, 1653
  5. That hardly Motion shall] As it shall hardly them 1664, 1668
  6. can Motion] may it self 1664, 1668