All pointed atoms1 to life do2 tend,
Whether pointed all, or3 at one end,
Or whether they be set round like a ring,4
Or whether long and5 rolled as on a string.
Those which are pointed, straight, quick motion give, 5
But those that bow and bend, more dull do live.
For life lives dull or merrily6
According as sharp atoms be.7
And thus the only cause why things do die8
Or live, is9 as the mixèd atoms lie. 10
- All pointed atoms] The pointed Atomes they 1664; The pointed Atoms, they 1668
- do] to 1668
- pointed all, or] all pointed or but 1664; all pointed, or but 1668
- Or whether they be set round like a ring,] Or whether Round, are set like to a Ring; 1653
- and] are 1653
- For life lives dull or merrily] Wherefore according as sharp Atomes be, 1664; Wherefore, according as sharp Atoms be, 1668
- According as sharp atoms be.] You will Life either dull or merry see: 1664; You will Life either dull or merry see. 1668
- And thus the only cause why things do die] The Cause why things do live and dye, 1653
- Or live, is] Is, 1653