Of the Witches in Lapland that Make Winds


Lapland is the place from whence all winds come,2
From3 witches, not from caves, as do think some.4
For they do draw the air5 into high hills,
And beat it6 out again by certain mills,
Then sack it up, and sell it out for gain                             5
To mariners, which traffic on the main.

  1. Of the Witches in Lapland that Make Winds] Witches of Lapland. 1653
  2. is the place from whence all winds come,] this is the place, where Winds (as some 1664; this is the place where Winds (as some 1668
  3. From] Believe ) from 1664, 1668
  4. as do think some.] do come; 1664; do come. 1668
  5. do draw the air] the Aire doe draw 1653
  6. it] them 1653