The Weight of Atoms


If1 atoms are as small as small can be,
They must in quantity2 of matter all agree.
And if consisting matter of the same be right,3
Then every atom must weigh just alike.4
Thus quantity, quality, and weight, all5                          5
Together meet6 in every atom small.

  1. If] Though 1664, 1668
  2. They must in quantity] Yet they in Bulk 1664; Yet they, in Bulk 1668
  3. consisting matter of the same be right,] this Bulk be right, each Atome must 1664; this Bulk be right, each Atom must 1668
  4. Then every atom must weigh just alike.] Be needs of such a Weight that’s like and just: 1664; Needs be of such a Weight , that’s like, and just. 1668
  5. quality, and weight, all] Weight, Quality, do all 1664, 1668
  6. meet] meets 1653