What Atoms Make the Wind Colic

Long airy atoms, when they are combined,
Do spread themselves abroad, and so make1 wind,
Making a length and breadth extend so far,2
That3 all the rest can neither go nor stir,4
And, being forced, not in the right places5 lie;                      5
Thus6 pressed too hard, man in great pain doth lie.7

  1. so make] cause a 1664, 1668
  2. extend so far,] that extends so, 1664, 1668
  3. That] As 1664, 1668
  4. go nor stir,] stir nor go; 1664; stir nor go: 1668
  5. And, being forced, not in right places] Which since they cannot in their places 1664; Which, since they cannot in their places 1668
  6. Thus] As 1664, 1668
  7. lie.] Dye. 1664; dye. 1668