In all things which are young, Motion is swift,[note]things which are young, Motion is swift,] young Creatures Motion swiftly goes, 1664; young Creatures, Motion swiftly goes; 1668[/note]
But moving long, is[note]is] ’tis 1664, 1668[/note] tired and groweth stiff.[note]groweth stiff.] stiffer grows; 1664; stiffer grows: 1668[/note]
So[note]So] For 1664, 1668[/note] atoms are in youth more nimble, strong[note]strong] and strong 1664[/note]
Than[note]Than] Then 1653[/note] in old age, but apt more[note]but apt more] when apter 1664, 1668[/note] to go wrong.
Thus youth by false notes and wrong steps doth die; 5
In age atoms and Motion weary lie.[note]lie.] downe do lye. 1653[/note]
Motion’s ease is change, weary soon doth grow,[note]Motion’s ease is change, weary soon doth grow,] The ease of Motion’s change, for soon it will 1664; The ease of Motion’s change; for soon it will 1668[/note]
If in one figure she doth often go.[note]If in one figure she doth often go.] Grow tyr’d if in one Figure it goes still. 1664; Grow tir’d, if in one Figure it goes still. 1668[/note]