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Venue: S

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28
Venue:   A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All  
Venue name Location Sort descending County Venue Type
Shakspere Saloon Belfast Antrim Tavern
Shakespeare Rooms, New Street Birmingham Warwickshire Unknown
Standard Concert Hall Birmingham Warwickshire Concert Hall
Smith's Hotel Dudley Staffordshire Hotel
Shakespeare Saloon Glasgow Lanark Tavern
Stock Exchange Leeds Yorkshire: West Riding Exhibition Hall
St. George's Assembly Rooms Liverpool Lancashire Multi-use
St. James Theatre London London (city-county) Theatre
Surrey Zoological Gardens London London (city-county) Pleasure Gardens
Southwark Institution London London (city-county) Lecture Hall
Saville House London London (city-county) Various
Soyer’s Symposium London London (city-county) Exhibition Hall
St. Leonard's Hall London London (city-county) Lecture Hall
Store Street Music Hall London London (city-county) Concert Hall
Sadler's Wells London London (city-county) Theatre
Sussex Hall London London (city-county) Exhibition Hall
Strand Theatre London London (city-county) Theatre
St. James Assembly Rooms London London (city-county) Concert Hall
Salter's Brook Manchester Lancashire Sporting Ground/Facility
States' Royal Hotel Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle Hotel
Shades Concert Room Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle Tavern
State Assembly Rooms Oxford Oxfordshire Exhibition Hall
Star Assembly Room Oxford Oxfordshire Multi-use
Society’s Beneficial Room Portsmouth Hampshire Lecture Hall
Salford Polytechnic Music Hall Salford Lancashire Music Hall
Swiss Gardens Shoreham Kent Pleasure Gardens
Stafford Theatre Stafford Staffordshire Theatre
Stamford Hotel Stamford Huntingdonshire Hotel