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Venue: M

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
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Venue name Location Sort descending County Venue Type
Music Hall, Abbey-Street Dublin Dublin Music Hall
Music Hall, Abbey-Street Dublin Dublin Concert Hall
Mechanics' Institution, Dudley Dudley Staffordshire Lecture Hall
Music Hall, Liverpool Liverpool Lancashire Music Hall
Miss Kelly's Theatre London London (city-county) Theatre
Manor House, Hackney London London (city-county) Unknown
Middlesex Music Hall – Mogul Tavern London London (city-county) Tavern
Mechanics' Institute London London (city-county) Lecture Hall
Minerva Hall London London (city-county) Unknown
Manchester Mechanics' Institution Manchester Lancashire Lecture Hall
Music Hall Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle Music Hall
Mechanics' Institute Nottingham Nottinghamshire Lecture Hall
Music Hall, Sheffield Sheffield Yorkshire: West Riding Music Hall