Talbot, John (1384 - 1453)

Born / Died

Birth Date: ca. 1384
Death Date: 1453-07-17

Marriages/Other Unions

  1. Type: marriage
    Union began: before 1407-3-12
    Union ended: n.d.
  2. Type: marriage
    Union began: 1424-9-6
    Union ended: n.d.


From Neville, Maud (1392 - 1422)

  1. Female offspring: Talbot, Joan (n.d.)

Primary Title

6th Baron Furnivalle
7th Baron Talbot
4th Earl of Shrewsbury


  • 6th Baron Furnivalle
    Assumed 1409-10-26 (date summoned to parliament by this title)
    Vacated 1453-07-17
  • 7th Baron Talbot
    Assumed 1421-12-13
    Vacated 1453-07-17
  • Baron Strange (of Blackmere)
    Assumed 1421-12-13
    Vacated 1453-07-17
  • Count of Cleremont
    Assumed 1434-16
    Vacated 1453-07-17
  • 4th Earl of Shrewsbury
    Assumed 1442-05-20
    Vacated 1453-07-17
  • 1st Earl of Waterford
    Assumed 1446-07-17
    Vacated 1453-07-17

Details of Offices

Began Ended Notes
Deputy Constable, Montgomeryshire 1404-12 1406/7-03
Keeper, Montgomeryshire before 1407-4-25 n.d.
JP, Derbyshire 1407/8 n.d.
Captain, Caernarvonshire 1409 n.d.
JP, Derbyshire 1409/10 n.d.
JP, Shropshire 1409/10 n.d.
JP, Staffordshire 1410 n.d.
JP, Derbyshire 1412/13 n.d.
JP, Shropshire 1412/13 n.d.
JP, Staffordshire 1412/13 n.d.
Lieut, Ireland 1413/14-2-24 ca. 1419/20
JP, Derbyshire 1414/15 n.d.
JP, Staffordshire 1415 n.d.
JP, Shropshire 1418/19 n.d.
JP, Herefordshire 1423 n.d.
JP, Leicestershire 1423 n.d.
JP, Warwickshire 1423 n.d.
JP, Staffordshire 1423 n.d.
JP, Yorkshire: West Riding 1423 n.d.
JP, Gloucestershire 1423 n.d.
JP, Derbyshire 1423 1425
JP, Oxfordshire 1423 n.d.
JP, Berkshire 1423 n.d.
JP, Hertfordshire 1423 n.d.
JP, Nottinghamshire 1423 n.d.
JP, Shropshire 1423 n.d.
JP, Oxfordshire 1424 n.d.
JP, Berkshire 1424 n.d.
JP, Hertfordshire 1424 n.d.
JP, Nottinghamshire 1424 n.d.
JP, Shropshire 1424 n.d.
JP, Herefordshire 1424 n.d.
JP, Leicestershire 1424 n.d.
JP, Staffordshire 1424 n.d.
JP, Yorkshire: West Riding 1424 n.d.
JP, Gloucestershire 1424 n.d.
Justiciar, Ireland 1424/5-1 1425-04
JP, Shropshire 1426 n.d.
JP, Leicestershire 1426 n.d.
JP, Hertfordshire 1427 n.d.
JP, Herefordshire 1427 n.d.
JP, Herefordshire 1427/8 n.d.
JP, Hertfordshire 1428/9 n.d.
JP, Derbyshire 1429 n.d.
JP, Nottinghamshire 1429 1432
JP, Staffordshire 1429/30 n.d.
JP, Shropshire 1430 1432
JP, Hertfordshire 1430/1 n.d.
JP, Leicestershire 1430/1 n.d.
JP, Herefordshire 1431 1432/3
JP, Derbyshire 1431 n.d.
JP, Berkshire 1431 1433
JP, Yorkshire: West Riding 1431 n.d.
JP, Gloucestershire 1432 1432/3
JP, Staffordshire 1432 n.d.
JP, Leicestershire 1432 n.d.
JP, Oxfordshire 1432 n.d.
JP, Hertfordshire 1433 n.d.
JP, Yorkshire: West Riding 1435 1437
JP, Gloucestershire 1435 n.d.
JP, Oxfordshire 1435 1438
JP, Hertfordshire 1435 n.d.
JP, Berkshire 1435 1437
JP, Nottinghamshire 1435 n.d.
JP, Nottinghamshire 1436 n.d.
JP, Leicestershire 1436 n.d.
JP, Hertfordshire 1436/7 n.d.
JP, Herefordshire 1436/7 n.d.
JP, Derbyshire 1437 n.d.
JP, Gloucestershire 1437 1439
JP, Shropshire 1438/9 n.d.
JP, Berkshire 1438/9 n.d.
JP, Staffordshire 1438/9 n.d.
JP, Hertfordshire 1439 n.d.
JP, Nottinghamshire 1439 n.d.
Lieut, Ireland 1444/5-3-12 ca. 1451/2
JP, Shropshire 1445 n.d.
JP, Hertfordshire 1445 n.d.
Steward of Ireland, Ireland 1446-7-17 1453-07-17 Hereditary office
JP, Shropshire 1448-5-8 n.d.
JP, Shropshire 1449-7-4 n.d.
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Kent 1450/1 1452
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Wiltshire 1451 n.d.
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Hampshire 1451 n.d.
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Surrey 1451 n.d.
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Sussex 1451 n.d.
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, London 1451 n.d.
Keeper, Hampshire 1451/2-2-17 1453-07-17 For life
Keeper of Governance & Survey, Hampshire 1451/2-2-17 1453-07-17 For life
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Wales 1452 n.d.

Details of Properties



  • Herefordshire
  • Ireland: Wexford
  • Shropshire
  • Yorkshire: West Riding

Events Naming Patron

Event Date Location Troupe
Performance 1445-1446 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Entertainer
Performance 1450-1451 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Entertainer
Performance 1443-1444 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Entertainers
Performance 1444-1445 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Entertainers
Performance 1446-1447 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel
Performance 1450-1451 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel
Performance 1451-1451 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel
Performance 1451-1452 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel
Performance 1452-1453 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel
Performance 1452-1453 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel
Performance 1442-1443 Dover (Unknown), Dover , Kent Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel/s
Performance 1407-1408 Shrewsbury (Unknown), Shrewsbury , Shropshire Lord Furnivalle's Entertainers
Performance 1426-1427 Booth Hall, Shrewsbury , Shropshire Lord Talbot's Entertainers
Performance 1426-1427 Dover (Unknown), Dover , Kent Lord Talbot's Minstrel/s
Performance 1428-1429 Exeter (Unknown), Exeter , Exeter (city-county) in Devon Lord Talbot's Minstrel/s
Performance 1429-1430 Exeter (Unknown), Exeter , Exeter (city-county) in Devon Lord Talbot's Minstrel/s
Performance 1431-1432 Exeter (Unknown), Exeter , Exeter (city-county) in Devon Lord Talbot's Minstrel/s
Performance 1433-1434 Canterbury (Unknown), Canterbury , Kent Lord Talbot's Minstrel/s
Performance 1427-1428 Dover (Unknown), Dover , Kent Lord Talbot's Minstrels
Performance 1433-1434 Dover (Unknown), Dover , Kent Lord Talbot's Minstrels

Patronized Troupes

Troupe Name Patron Troupe Type # of events
Earl of Shrewsbury's Entertainer Talbot, John (1384 - 1453) Entertainers/Minstrels 2
Earl of Shrewsbury's Entertainers Talbot, John (1384 - 1453) Entertainers/Minstrels 2
Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel Talbot, John (1384 - 1453) Entertainers/Minstrels 6
Earl of Shrewsbury's Minstrel/s Talbot, John (1384 - 1453) Entertainers/Minstrels 1
Lord Furnivalle's Entertainers Talbot, John (1384 - 1453) Entertainers/Minstrels 1
Lord Talbot's Entertainers Talbot, John (1384 - 1453) Entertainers/Minstrels 1
Lord Talbot's Minstrel/s Talbot, John (1384 - 1453) Entertainers/Minstrels 5
Lord Talbot's Minstrels Talbot, John (1384 - 1453) Entertainers/Minstrels 2

Owned Venues

Venue Name County Venue Type
Blackmere Shropshire Private Residence
Goodrich Castle Herefordshire Private Residence

Bibliographic Sources

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry IV [1399–1413]. 4 vols. London: HMSO, 1903–9.
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry V [1413–22]. 2 vols. London: HMSO, 1910–11.
The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. 1887–98 (8 vols); 1910–59 (13 vols). 6 vols. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1982.
The Dictionary of National Biography. 1882–1901 (66 vols); 1908–9 (28 vols). 2 vols. London: Oxford UP, 1975.