The bibliography contains sources used in research undertaken for the Patrons and Performances web site.
View all bibliographic sources (all sources used for the entire database, alphabetically by author/editor or title).
View bibliographic sources by subject by clicking the subjects on the left hand side of this page.
Within each subject category, general sources are followed by subsections listing works pertaining to individual counties/regions.
Sources relating specifically to individual patrons or families are accessible only via the 'Bibliographical Sources' link on a patron's Biographical Overview page (or by using the 'View ALL Bibliographical Sources' function above).
Reference works applicable to the database as a whole are listed under 'General Reference.' Due to overlaps of subject matter, a work may be listed under more than one category.
Within these subject categories, works are listed alphabetically by author or editor surname, with the exception of multiple-volume works with multiple editors and straightforward compilations, which are listed alphabetically by title.
Information enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ) contains supplementary information not included in the work itself. In the case of missing publication dates, when a century and decade can be determined, this is included with the missing decade and/or year represented by an 'x,' for example, [19xx], [189x].