Venue Type & Location
Town Hall
Site Name: Booth Hall
Location: Shrewsbury
County: Shropshire
Location Type: Town - in town at determined location
Performance Spaces
A low timber building with a high clock turret at the N end of the Shrewsbury marketplace by the High Street. The ground floor was used for shops and the upper level served as a civic chamber for sessions and assizes.
Performance History
A play at the Booth Hall is specifically recorded in 1613 but other performances before the mayor in the 16th and early 17th c. probably used the same venue.
Current Status
The location of the Booth Hall is now the site of a statue of Clive of India.
History of the Venue
1452 A new town hall replaced an earlier hall.
1512 Booth Hall built.
1785 New hall completed on an adjacent site; old building removed.
Record Source
REED Shropshire 1.219, 303--5
Patrons who owned this venue
[No data found.]
Bibliographic Sources
- Champion, Bill. Everyday Life in Tudor Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury: Shropshire Books, 1994
- Owen, Hugh. Some Account of the Ancient and Present State of Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury: P. Sandford, 1808
- Page, William, A.T. Gaydon and G.C. Baugh, eds. The Victoria History of the County of Shropshire. 11 vols. London: Archibald Constable, U of London, 1908--98
- Phillips, T. The History and Antiquities of Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury: T. Wood, 1779
- Speed, John. The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. London: I. Sudbury and G. Humble, 1611
- Tittler, Robert. Architecture and Power: The Town Hall and the English Urban Community c. 1500–1640. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1991