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Patrons : W

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Displaying 51 - 100 of 102
Patron Name Dates Title(s)
Willoughby, William 1584 - 1617 3rd Baron Willoughby of Parham
Willoughby, William 1515 - 1570 1st Baron Willoughby (of Parham)
Windsor, Edward 1532 - 1575 3rd Baron Windsor
Windsor, Edward of 1312 - 1377 King of England
King of France
Windsor, Henry VI of 1421 - 1471 King of England
King of France
Windsor, William 1498 - 1558 2nd Baron Windsor
Knight of the Bath
Wittelsbach, Charles Lewis 1618 - 1680 Elector Palatine
Wittelsbach, Frederick 1596 - 1632 Count Palatine of the Rhine
Elector of the Holy Roman Empire
King of Bohemia
Knight of the Garter
Wittelsbach, Rupert 1619 - 1682 1st Duke of Cumberland
2nd Earl of Holderness
Count Palatine of the Rhine
Duke of Barvaria
Knight of the Garter
Prince Rupert of the Rhine
Wittlesey, William 1374
Wolsey, Thomas 1475 - 1530
Woodstock, Anne of 1382 - 1438 Countess of Buckingham, Hereford and Northampton
Countess of Stafford
Woodstock, Edward of 1330 - 1376 1st Duke of Cornwall
14th Earl of Chester
Prince of Wales
Woodstock, Isabella of 1332 - 1379 Countess of Bedford
Woodstock, Thomas of 1355 - 1397 1st Duke of Gloucester
4th Earl of Buckingham
13th Earl of Essex
Wotton, Margaret 1541
Wriothesley, Henry 1573 - 1624 4th Baron Wriothesley
4th Earl of Southampton
Baron Wriothelsey of Titchfield
Earl of Southampton
Knight of the Garter
Lord Wriothesley
Wriothesley, Thomas 1608 - 1667 2nd Earl of Chichester
5th Earl of Southampton
Baron Wriothesley of Titchfield
Wriothesley, Thomas 1505 - 1550 1st Baron Wriothesley of Titchfield
2nd Earl of Southampton
Knight of the Garter
Wydevill, Elizabeth 1437 - 1492 Queen of England
Wydevill, Katherine 1458 - 1497 Duchess of Bedford
Duchess of Buckingham