Other Last Name
Mowbray, Strangways, Beaumont, Wydville
Mother: Beaufort, Joan de (1379 - 1440)
Father: Neville, Ralph (1364 - 1425)
Marriages/Other Unions
- Type: marriageUnion began: exactly 1412-1-12Union ended: exactly
- Type: marriageUnion began: by 1442-1-27Union ended: exactlyNote: Union possibly began in secret and without license, and one or both daughters may have been illegitimate [ODNB]
- Type: marriageUnion began: by 1443-8-25Union ended: exactly
- Type: marriageUnion began: after 1464Union ended: exactly
From Mowbray, John de (1392 - 1432)
- Male offspring: Mowbray, John de (1415 - 1461)
From Strangways, Thomas ( - 1443)
- Female offspring: Strangways, Katherine ( - )
- Female offspring: Strangways, Joan ( - )
Primary Title
- Duchess of Norfolk
- Duchess of NorfolkAssumed: 1411/12-01-12 (date of marriage licence; first marriage)Vacated: 1483
- Viscountess BeaumontAssumed: 1442 (date of third marriage)Vacated: 1464 (date of fourth marriage)
Event Naming Patron
Event Type | Date | Location | Troupe |
Performance | - | Common Hall, York, York (city-county) in Yorkshire | Duchess of Norfolk's Minstrel/s |
Patronized Troupes
Troupe Name | Patron | Troupe Type | # of events |
Duchess of Norfolk's Minstrel/s | Neville, Katherine (1400 - 1483) | Entertainers/Minstrels | 1 |
Owned Venues
Venue Name | County | Type |
Epworth Castle | Lincolnshire | Private Residence |