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Neville, George (1469 - 1535)

Born / Died

Birth Date: 1469
Death Date: 1535-06-14 (possibly died 13 June 1535)


Indicted and fined for illegal retaining and forbidden to visit Hampshire, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1507; pardoned and fine canceled upon accession of Henry VIII (1509). Chief Larderer at the coronations of Henry VIII (24 June 1509) and Anne Boleyn (1 June 1533). Imprisoned in the Tower ca. May 1521 for complicity in the Duke of Buckingham's treason and surrendered all offices; pardoned for misprision of treason 29 March 1522

Marriages/Other Unions

  1. Type: marriage
    Union began: n.d.
    Union ended: n.d.
  2. Type: marriage
    Union began: n.d.
    Union ended: n.d.
  3. Type: marriage
    Union began: 1519-6
    Union ended: n.d.
    Note: According to the ODNB, this union produced 5 other surviving children, while the DNB notes that the union produced 2 other sons (John and Thomas) and 5 daughters
  4. Type: marriage
    Union began: 1530-1-24
    Union ended: n.d.
    Note: Mary had previously been George's mistress

Primary Title

  • 5th Baron Bergavenny


  • 5th Baron Bergavenny
    Assumed: 1492-09-20
    Vacated: 1535-06-14
  • Knight of the Bath
    Assumed: 1483-07-06
    Vacated: 1535-06-14
  • Knight of the Garter
    Assumed: 1513-04-23 (installed 7 May 1513)
    Vacated: 1535-06-14

General Lands Note

Licence to enter lands 27 Aug. 1492

Details of Offices

Began Ended Notes
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Kent 1485
JP, Essex 1485 1508
JP, Kent 1485 1521
Commissioner of Array, Kent 1490
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Gloucestershire 1493
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Herefordshire 1493
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Shropshire 1493
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Wales 1493
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Marches of Wales 1493
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Worcestershire 1493
JP, Worcestershire 1493 1507
JP, Herefordshire 1493 1496
JP, Gloucestershire 1493 1508
JP, Sussex 1493 1515
JP, Shropshire 1493
JP, Surrey 1494 1520
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Middlesex 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Kent 1495 1496
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Surrey 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Sussex 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Gloucestershire 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Berkshire 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Shropshire 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Oxfordshire 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Herefordshire 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Staffordshire 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, London 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Essex 1495
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Hertfordshire 1495
Commissioner of Array, Kent 1496
Commissioner of Array, Sussex 1496
Commissioner of Musters, Sussex 1496
Commissioner of Musters, Kent 1496
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Kent 1498
Keeper, Kent 1499 -12 -1 1508 -05 -30
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Oxfordshire 1502
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Berkshire 1502
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Berkshire 1502
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Berkshire 1502
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Oxfordshire 1502
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Buckinghamshire 1502
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Berkshire 1502
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, London 1502
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Surrey 1503
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, London 1503
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, Kent 1509
Commissioner of Array, Surrey 1512
Commissioner of Array, Sussex 1512
Commissioner of Array, Kent 1512
Warden, Kent 1512 1515 Cinque Ports in Kent & Sussex. Acting Warden in the absence of Edward Poynings; Nevill had been granted the reversion of this office 5 Nov. 1510, but was forced to surrender it in 1521
Commissioner of Array, Kent 1513
Commissioner of Gaol Delivery, London 1513
Commissioner of Musters, Kent 1515
Keeper, Sussex 1515
Privy Councillor, England 1515 1521 possibly held this office until this year
JP, Surrey 1522 1532
JP, Sussex 1524 1532
JP, Kent 1524 1532

Details of Properties


  • Burgavenny House, London (city-county)
    Parish of St Martin, Ludgate
  • Birling, Kent
    Acquired: 1492
    Divested: 1535
    Patrimony. Forced to sell to the Crown 1521; permitted to buy it back in 1530
  • Eridge Place, Sussex
    Acquired: 1525
    Divested: 1535


  • Essex
  • Herefordshire
  • Kent
  • Monmouthshire: Abergavenny Castle & Lordship
    Acquired: 1512-12-18
  • Norfolk
  • Shropshire
  • Somerset
  • Suffolk
  • Surrey
  • Sussex
  • Wales
  • Warwickshire
  • Wiltshire
  • Worcestershire

Event Naming Patron

Patronized Troupes

Troupe Name Patron Troupe Type # of events
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Players Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Players 1
Lord Bergavenny's Juggler/s Neville, George (1469 - 1535) Acrobats/Physical Feats 1

Owned Venues

Venue Name County Type
Birling Kent Private Residence
Eridge Place Sussex Private Residence

Bibliographic Sources

  • Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry VII [1485–1509]. 2 vols. London: HMSO, 1914--16
  • The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. 1887–98 (8 vols); 1910–59 (13 vols). 6 vols. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1982
  • Eeles, Henry S. Frant: A Parish History. Tunbridge Wells: Courier Co., 1947
  • Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII [1509--47]. 21 vols and Addenda (2 vols). London: HMSO, 1864--1932
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.