Bibliographic Sources: REED Volumes


  • Anderson, J.J., ed. Newcastle upon Tyne. Records of Early English Drama (REED). Toronto and Buffalo; London: U of Toronto P; Manchester UP, 1982.
  • Baldwin, Elizabeth, Lawrence M. Clopper and David Mills, eds. Cheshire including Chester. Records of Early English Drama (REED). 2 vols. London; Toronto and Buffalo: The British Library; U of Toronto P, 2007.
  • Clopper, Lawrence M., ed. Chester. Records of Early English Drama (REED). Toronto and Buffalo; London: U of Toronto P; Manchester UP, 1979.
  • Douglas, Audrey, and Peter Greenfield, eds. Cumberland/Westmorland/Gloucestershire. Records of Early English Drama (REED). Toronto, Buffalo and London: U of Toronto P, 1986.
  • Elliott, John R., Jr., and Alan H. Nelson (University); Alexandra F. Johnston and Diana Wyatt (City), eds. Oxford. Records of Early English Drama (REED). 2 vols. London; Toronto: The British Library; U of Toronto P, 2004.
  • Erler, Mary C. Ecclesiastical London. Records of Early English Drama (REED). Toronto; London: U of Toronto P; The British Library, 2008.
  • Galloway, David, ed. Norwich 1540–1642. Records of Early English Drama (REED). Toronto, Buffalo and London: U of Toronto P, 1984.
  • George, David, ed. Lancashire. Records of Early English Drama (REED). Toronto, Buffalo, London: U of Toronto P, 1991.
  • Gibson, James M., ed. Kent: Diocese of Canterbury. Records of Early English Drama (REED). 3 vols. Toronto and Buffalo; London: U of Toronto P; The British Library, 2002.
  • Hays, Rosalind Conklin, and C.E. McGee, Sally L. Joyce and Evelyn S. Newlyn, eds. Dorset/Cornwall. Records of Early English Drama (REED). Toronto and Buffalo; [Brussels]: U of Toronto P; Brepols Publishers, 1999.