Bibliographic Sources: Maps -- Roads -- History


  • Ogilby, John. Ogilby's Road Maps of England and Wales from Ogilby's 'Britannia,' 1675. 1675. Introd by Roger Cleeve. Reading: Osprey, 1971.
  • Ordnance Survey. Facsimile of the ancient map of Great Britain in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A.D. 1325–50 [map]. Southampton: Ordnance Survey, 1935.
  • Stenton, F.M. 'The Road System of Medieval England.' Economic History Review 7 (1936): 1–21.
  • Taylor, Christopher. Roads and Tracks of Britain. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1979.
  • William Worcestre Itineraries. Harvey, John H., ed. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1969.


  • Ogilby, John. Britannia, Volume the First: or, An Illustration of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales: By a Geographical and Historical Description of the Principal Roads thereof. London: John Ogilby, 1675.


  • Symonson, Philip. A New Description of Kent, 1596. Southampton: Ordnance Survey, 1968.