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Films: C

Displaying 1 - 50 of 50
Troupe Name:   A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All  
Title Patron Troupe Type # of events
1 Calhaen, F. Calhaen, F.(--) Dramatic 2
2 Calvert Minstrel 1
3 Cannibal Islands Troupe (London-Adelphi, 45/6) Dramatic 3
4 Carib Chief Troupe (City of London, 51) Dramatic 1
5 Carolina Ethiopian Serenaders Warde, (--) Minstrel 6
6 Carpenter, J.E. Vocal Entertainment 3
7 Carter, the American Lion King Carter, (--) Circus 3
8 Castle Spectre Troupe (Bury, 52) Dramatic 1
9 Castle Spectre Troupe (Dublin, 51) Dramatic 1
10 Castle Spectre Troupe (Newcastle, 43) Dramatic 1
11 Castle Spectre Troupe (Newcastle, 46) Dramatic 1
12 Castle Spectre Troupe (Sheffield, 45-46) Dramatic 2
13 Cathcart Cathcart, (--) Dramatic 1
14 Catlin & Museum/Lecture Troupe Exhibition 22
15 Cave, J.H. Cave, J.H.(--) Minstrel 34
16 Ceda (1848) Ceda, William(1826--1873) Minstrel 9
17 Celeste, Madame (Quadroon Slave) Dramatic 1
18 Charles, E.M. Dramatic 1
19 Cherokee Chief Troupe (London-Victoria, 45) Dramatic 1
20 Chester, J. Chester, J.(--) Dramatic 1
21 Chevalier St. George Troupe (London-Princess, 45) Dramatic 1
22 Chippewa Indians Exhibition 1
23 Christer [sic?], Emmet &c, Negro Melodists Christy, (--) Minstrel 1
24 Christy ("Negro Vocalist") Minstrel 1
25 Cobham Dramatic 3
26 Coefield Dramatic 1
27 Coleman Dramatic 1
28 Coleman, Lewin Y. Robinson, Joseph(--) Vocal Entertainment 1
29 Coleman, Piccaninny Minstrel 1
30 Collins, J.H. Collins, John H.(--1860) Minstrel 3
31 Congo Minstrels Smith, Jonathan(--) Minstrel 1
32 Cooke, H. Dramatic 2
33 Cooke, James Circus 1
34 Cooke, Tom Cooke, Tom(--1848) Dramatic 0
35 Copway, George Lecture 2
36 Corrie, J. Corrie, Mr. J.(--) Dramatic 2
37 Corsair Ballet Troupe (Drury Lane 44) Ballet 10
38 Corsair Troupe (Sheffield, 52) Dramatic 1
39 Cowell, Sam Vocal Entertainment 3
40 Craft, William Lecture 1
41 Creole Troupe (Bristol, 48) Dramatic 1
42 Creole Troupe (Liverpool, 50) Dramatic 1
43 Creole Troupe (Newcastle, 48) Dramatic 3
44 Creole Troupe (Sheffield, 48) Dramatic 1
45 Creole Troupe (Sheffield, 52) Dramatic 1
46 Creole Troupe (Yarmouth, 47) Dramatic 1
47 Creswick Dramatic 1
48 Crow, Albert and Jim Circus 1
49 Cullen Dramatic 1
50 Cumming's African Exhibition Ruyder, (--) Exhibition 2