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Performance(s) listed of this act

Performer(s) Troupe Event and Venue

Aldridge, Ira
Wentworth, Butler
Aldridge, IraOthello Troupe (Queen's, 46)Wentworth, Butler , -

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 22 Nov. 1841 - 22 Nov. 1841
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Perkins, Charles
Perkins, Charles Dramatic, 07 Mar. 1842 - 07 Mar. 1842
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 09 May. 1842 - 09 May. 1842
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 11 Jul. 1842 - 11 Jul. 1842
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Saville, Edmund
Saville, E.F. Dramatic, 11 Jul. 1842 - 16 Jul. 1842
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)

Saville, Edmund
Saville, E.F. Dramatic, 29 Jul. 1842 - 29 Jul. 1842
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)

Elton Dramatic, 15 Aug. 1842 - 15 Aug. 1842
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Butler, Samuel
Butler, Samuel Dramatic, 19 Aug. 1842 - 19 Aug. 1842
Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, Lancashire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 14 Sep. 1842 - 14 Sep. 1842
Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, Lancashire

Wallack, James
Wallack, James Dramatic, 03 Oct. 1842 - 03 Oct. 1842
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex
Othello/Obi Troupe (Sheffield, 1842) Dramatic, 05 Dec. 1842 - 05 Dec. 1842
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Saville, Edmund
Saville, E.F. Dramatic, 12 Dec. 1842 - 12 Dec. 1842
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)

Hoskins, W.
Hoskins, W. Dramatic, 20 Jan. 1843 - 20 Jan. 1843
Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, Lancashire
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 43) Dramatic, 06 Feb. 1843 - 06 Feb. 1843
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 06 Feb. 1843 - 06 Feb. 1843
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Ternan Dramatic, 27 Feb. 1843 - 27 Feb. 1843
Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, Lancashire

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 16 Mar. 1843 - 16 Mar. 1843
Drury Lane Theatre, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (York, 43) Dramatic, 20 Mar. 1843 - 25 Mar. 1843
, York (city-county) in Yorkshire

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 23 Mar. 1843 - 23 Mar. 1843
Drury Lane Theatre, London (city-county)

Byrne Dramatic, 23 Mar. 1843 - 25 Mar. 1843
Royal Surrey Theatre, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 19 Apr. 1843 - 19 Apr. 1843
Drury Lane Theatre, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 43) Dramatic, 24 Apr. 1843 - 24 Apr. 1843
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 43) Dramatic, 15 Nov. 1843 - 15 Nov. 1843
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 16 Jan. 1844 - 16 Jan. 1844
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 29 Jan. 1844 - 29 Jan. 1844
, Norwich (city-county) in Norfolk

Phelps Dramatic, 16 Feb. 1844 - 16 Feb. 1844
Royal Liver Theatre, Lancashire

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 26 Mar. 1844 - 26 Mar. 1844
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Phelps Dramatic, 15 Jul. 1844 - 15 Jul. 1844
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)

Wallack, James
Wallack, James Dramatic, 18 Sep. 1844 - 18 Sep. 1844
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Otway Dramatic, 28 Sep. 1844 - 28 Sep. 1844
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)

Grisdale, Walter
Grisdale, Walter Dramatic, 21 Oct. 1844 - 23 Oct. 1844
Pavilion Theatre, London (city-county)

Graham, R.E.
Graham, R.E. Dramatic, 04 Nov. 1844 - 04 Nov. 1844
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 18 Nov. 1844 - 18 Nov. 1844
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 44) Dramatic, 04 Dec. 1844 - 04 Dec. 1844
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Ternan Dramatic, 10 Dec. 1844 - 10 Dec. 1844
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Kean, Charles
Kean, Charles Dramatic, 23 Jan. 1845 - 23 Jan. 1845
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire

Lacy, T.H.
Lacy, T.H. Dramatic, 28 Jan. 1845 - 28 Jan. 1845
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Macready Dramatic, 18 Feb. 1845 - 18 Feb. 1845
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Macready Dramatic, 07 Mar. 1845 - 07 Mar. 1845
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding
Othello Troupe (Nottingham, 45) Dramatic, 25 Mar. 1845 - 25 Mar. 1845
Theatre Royal, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Pitt, Charles
Pitt, Charles Dramatic, 26 Jun. 1845 - 26 Jun. 1845
Royal Liver Theatre, Lancashire

Forrest, Edwin
Forrest Dramatic, 02 Aug. 1845 - 02 Aug. 1845
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Edwards, E.
Edwards, E. Dramatic, 11 Aug. 1845 - 16 Aug. 1845
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Brighton, 45) Dramatic, 03 Oct. 1845 - 03 Oct. 1845
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 03 Nov. 1845 - 08 Nov. 1845
Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, Lancashire

Macready Dramatic, 10 Nov. 1845 - 10 Nov. 1845
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 17 Nov. 1845 - 17 Nov. 1845
Theatre Royal, Birmingham, Warwickshire

Mude Dramatic, 18 Nov. 1845 - 18 Nov. 1845
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 22 Nov. 1845 - 22 Nov. 1845
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 24 Nov. 1845 - 29 Nov. 1845
, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 24 Nov. 1845 - 29 Nov. 1845
, Lancashire
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 45) Dramatic, 28 Nov. 1845 - 28 Nov. 1845
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 15 Dec. 1845 - 15 Dec. 1845
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 24 Dec. 1845 - 24 Dec. 1845
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 15 Jan. 1846 - 15 Jan. 1846
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 19 Jan. 1846 - 24 Jan. 1846
City, The, Glamorgan

Forrest, Edwin
Forrest Dramatic, 24 Jan. 1846 - 24 Jan. 1846
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Macready Dramatic, 26 Jan. 1846 - 31 Jan. 1846
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Forrest, Edwin
Forrest Dramatic, 30 Jan. 1846 - 30 Jan. 1846
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Macready Dramatic, 18 Feb. 1846 - 19 Feb. 1846
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 19 Feb. 1846 - 19 Feb. 1846
Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 16 Mar. 1846 - 16 Mar. 1846
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 17 Mar. 1846 - 17 Mar. 1846
, Somerset
Othello Troupe (Marylebone, 46) Dramatic, 18 Mar. 1846 - 20 Mar. 1846
Theatre Royal, Marylebone, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Miss Kelly's, 1846) Dramatic, 27 Mar. 1846 - 27 Mar. 1846
Miss Kelly's Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 01 Apr. 1846 - 01 Apr. 1846
, Glamorgan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 13 Apr. 1846 - 18 Apr. 1846
Theatre Royal, Belfast, Antrim
Macready Dramatic, 15 Apr. 1846 - 15 Apr. 1846
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Macready Dramatic, 17 Apr. 1846 - 17 Apr. 1846
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Macready Dramatic, 20 Apr. 1846 - 20 Apr. 1846
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Macready Dramatic, 15 May. 1846 - 15 May. 1846
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 25 May. 1846 - 25 May. 1846
Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 05 Jun. 1846 - 06 Jun. 1846
Theatre Royal, Williamson Square, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 13 Jul. 1846 - 18 Jul. 1846
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 03 Aug. 1846 - 08 Aug. 1846
Theatre Royal, Portsmouth, Hampshire

Graham, R.E.
Graham, R.E. Dramatic, 19 Aug. 1846 - 19 Aug. 1846
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Bennett, James
Bennett, James Dramatic, 22 Aug. 1846 - 22 Aug. 1846
Adelphi Theatre, Lanark

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 31 Aug. 1846 - 31 Aug. 1846
, Staffordshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 01 Sep. 1846 - 05 Sep. 1846
, Staffordshire
Othello Troupe (Yarmouth, 46) Dramatic, 07 Sep. 1846 - 12 Sep. 1846
, Hampshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 09 Sep. 1846 - 09 Sep. 1846
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Bird, C.J.
Bird, C.J. Dramatic, 14 Sep. 1846 - 14 Sep. 1846
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)

Macready Dramatic, 21 Sep. 1846 - 25 Sep. 1846
Royal Surrey Theatre, London (city-county)

Dramatic, 21 Sep. 1846 - 21 Sep. 1846
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 23 Sep. 1846 - 23 Sep. 1846
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 12 Oct. 1846 - 12 Oct. 1846
, Staffordshire
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 46) Dramatic, 13 Oct. 1846 - 14 Oct. 1846
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding
Othello Troupe (Bury St. Edmonds, 46) Dramatic, 02 Nov. 1846 - 07 Nov. 1846
, Suffolk

Kraye, Chester
Kraye, Chester Dramatic, 09 Nov. 1846 - 09 Nov. 1846
Royal Amphitheatre, Lancashire
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 46) Dramatic, 07 Dec. 1846 - 07 Dec. 1846
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 07 Dec. 1846 - 12 Dec. 1846
, Northamptonshire

Owen, George
Owen, George Dramatic, 07 Dec. 1846 - 12 Dec. 1846
, Lancashire

Betty, Henry
Betty, Henry Dramatic, 14 Dec. 1846 - 19 Dec. 1846
Royal Amphitheatre, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 14 Dec. 1846 - 19 Dec. 1846
, Devon
Amateur Othello Troupe (Bristol, 46) Dramatic, 21 Dec. 1846 - 21 Dec. 1846
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 04 Jan. 1847 - 04 Jan. 1847
Theatre Royal, Chichester, Sussex

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 07 Jan. 1847 - 07 Jan. 1847
Town Hall, Arundel, Sussex

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 18 Jan. 1847 - 23 Jan. 1847
Town Hall, Arundel, Sussex

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 21 Jan. 1847 - 21 Jan. 1847
Canterbury Theatre, Kent

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 26 Jan. 1847 - 26 Jan. 1847
, Suffolk

Betty, Henry
Betty, Henry Dramatic, 09 Feb. 1847 - 13 Feb. 1847
, Devon

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 18 Feb. 1847 - 18 Feb. 1847
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire

Scott, J.R.
Scott, J.R., the American tragedian Dramatic, 01 Mar. 1847 - 06 Mar. 1847
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 08 Mar. 1847 - 13 Mar. 1847
Theatre Royal, Dublin, Dublin

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 15 Mar. 1847 - 17 Mar. 1847
Theatre Royal, Dublin, Dublin

Phelps Dramatic, 22 Mar. 1847 - 25 Mar. 1847
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 47) Dramatic, 22 Mar. 1847 - 22 Mar. 1847
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 29 Mar. 1847 - 29 Mar. 1847
, Edinburgh
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 47) Dramatic, 06 Apr. 1847 - 06 Apr. 1847
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Betty, Henry
Betty, Henry Dramatic, 06 Apr. 1847 - 06 Apr. 1847
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Betty, Henry
Betty, Henry Dramatic, 16 Apr. 1847 - 16 Apr. 1847
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Betty, Henry
Betty, Henry Dramatic, 17 Apr. 1847 - 17 Apr. 1847
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Scott, J.R.
Scott, J.R., the American tragedian Dramatic, 26 Apr. 1847 - 01 May. 1847
Adelphi Theatre, Lanark
Amateur Othello Troupe (Wilson St, 47) Dramatic, 26 Apr. 1847 - 26 Apr. 1847
, London (city-county)
Phelps Dramatic, 03 May. 1847 - 03 May. 1847
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)

Owen, George
Owen, George Dramatic, 04 May. 1847 - 04 May. 1847
, Lincolnshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 07 May. 1847 - 07 May. 1847
, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Phelps Dramatic, 21 May. 1847 - 21 May. 1847
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)

Holmes, T.
Holmes, T. Dramatic, 27 May. 1847 - 27 May. 1847
, York (city-county) in Yorkshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 19 Jul. 1847 - 20 Jul. 1847
Theatre Royal, Yarmouth, Hampshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 24 Jul. 1847 - 24 Jul. 1847
Theatre Royal, Yarmouth, Hampshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 02 Aug. 1847 - 07 Aug. 1847
, Kent

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 16 Aug. 1847 - 21 Aug. 1847
, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 23 Aug. 1847 - 28 Aug. 1847
, Huntingdonshire

Mead, T.
Mead, T. Dramatic, 13 Sep. 1847 - 13 Sep. 1847
Cambridge Theatre, Cambridgeshire

Smythson, M.
Smythson, M. Dramatic, 13 Sep. 1847 - 13 Sep. 1847
, Derbyshire

Dickinson Dramatic, 27 Sep. 1847 - 27 Sep. 1847
, Forfar

Macready Dramatic, 06 Oct. 1847 - 06 Oct. 1847
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Norton, Bruce
Norton, Bruce Dramatic, 09 Oct. 1847 - 09 Oct. 1847
Theatre Royal, Bradford, Yorkshire: West Riding

Macready Dramatic, 11 Oct. 1847 - 16 Oct. 1847
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 18 Oct. 1847 - 23 Oct. 1847
, Yorkshire: North Riding

Macready Dramatic, 18 Oct. 1847 - 23 Oct. 1847
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Smythson, M.
Smythson, M. Dramatic, 26 Oct. 1847 - 26 Oct. 1847
Theatre Royal, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Dickinson Dramatic, 28 Oct. 1847 - 28 Oct. 1847
, Forfar

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 02 Nov. 1847 - 06 Nov. 1847
, Antrim
Othello Troupe (Lincoln, 47) Dramatic, 03 Nov. 1847 - 03 Nov. 1847
, Lincolnshire
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 47) Dramatic, 22 Nov. 1847 - 22 Nov. 1847
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 47) Dramatic, 24 Nov. 1847 - 24 Nov. 1847
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Cobham Dramatic, 06 Dec. 1847 - 06 Dec. 1847
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Hicks, T.
Hicks, T. Dramatic, 13 Dec. 1847 - 13 Dec. 1847
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 47) Dramatic, 14 Dec. 1847 - 14 Dec. 1847
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 17 Dec. 1847 - 17 Dec. 1847
, Dumfries
Hicks, T. Dramatic, 20 Dec. 1847 - 20 Dec. 1847
Royal Standard Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 23 Dec. 1847 - 23 Dec. 1847
, Dumfries

Dry Dramatic, 23 Dec. 1847 - 23 Dec. 1847
, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 27 Dec. 1847 - 01 Jan. 1847
, Lancashire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 29 Dec. 1847 - 29 Dec. 1847
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 03 Jan. 1848 - 08 Jan. 1848
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 03 Jan. 1848 - 03 Jan. 1848
, Norwich (city-county) in Norfolk

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 10 Jan. 1848 - 15 Jan. 1848
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 10 Jan. 1848 - 10 Jan. 1848
, Norwich (city-county) in Norfolk

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 12 Jan. 1848 - 14 Jan. 1848
, Kent
Macready Dramatic, 17 Jan. 1848 - 17 Jan. 1848
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 17 Jan. 1848 - 22 Jan. 1848
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 17 Jan. 1848 - 17 Jan. 1848
Theatre Royal, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 24 Jan. 1848 - 29 Jan. 1848
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Burlesque, 07 Feb. 1848 - 07 Feb. 1848
, Exeter (city-county) in Devon

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 14 Feb. 1848 - 14 Feb. 1848
, Staffordshire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 14 Feb. 1848 - 19 Feb. 1848
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 16 Feb. 1848 - 16 Feb. 1848
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Macready Dramatic, 15 Mar. 1848 - 15 Mar. 1848
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 48) Dramatic, 15 Mar. 1848 - 15 Mar. 1848
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Hicks, T.
Hicks, T. Dramatic, 20 Mar. 1848 - 25 Mar. 1848
Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)

Betty, Henry
Betty, Henry Dramatic, 24 Mar. 1848 - 24 Mar. 1848
Royal Standard Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 27 Mar. 1848 - 01 Apr. 1848
Royal Surrey Theatre, London (city-county)

Macready Dramatic, 29 Mar. 1848 - 29 Mar. 1848
Princess' Theatre, London (city-county)

Sullivan, Barry
Sullivan, Barry Dramatic, 08 Apr. 1848 - 08 Apr. 1848
Theatre Royal, Manchester, Lancashire

Sullivan, Barry
Sullivan, Barry Dramatic, 10 Apr. 1848 - 10 Apr. 1848
Theatre Royal, Manchester, Lancashire

Macready Dramatic, 17 Apr. 1848 - 22 Apr. 1848
Theatre Royal, Marylebone, London (city-county)

Owen, George
Owen, George Dramatic, 20 Apr. 1848 - 20 Apr. 1848
, Staffordshire

Mandeville, Charles
Mandeville, Charles Dramatic, 24 Apr. 1848 - 24 Apr. 1848
, Kent

Macready Dramatic, 25 Apr. 1848 - 25 Apr. 1848
Theatre Royal, Marylebone, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 01 May. 1848 - 06 May. 1848
, Cumberland

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 01 May. 1848 - 02 May. 1848
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Graham, R.E.
Graham, R.E. Dramatic, 08 May. 1848 - 13 May. 1848
City of London Theatre, London (city-county)

Betty, Henry
Betty, Henry Dramatic, 15 May. 1848 - 20 May. 1848
Royal Surrey Theatre, London (city-county)

Cathcart Dramatic, 15 May. 1848 - 15 May. 1848
Royal Amphitheatre, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 22 May. 1848 - 22 May. 1848
, Forfar

Bennett, James
Bennett, James Dramatic, 24 May. 1848 - 24 May. 1848
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 31 May. 1848 - 31 May. 1848
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Glover, Edmund
Glover, Edmund Dramatic, 31 May. 1848 - 31 May. 1848
, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 05 Jun. 1848 - 10 Jun. 1848
, Forfar

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 26 Jun. 1848 - 26 Jun. 1848
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 03 Jul. 1848 - 03 Jul. 1848
, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
White, E.
Aldridge, IraWhite, E. Dramatic, 08 Jul. 1848 - 08 Jul. 1848
, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 27 Jul. 1848 - 27 Jul. 1848
Theatre Royal, Dublin, Dublin

Sullivan, Barry
Sullivan, Barry Dramatic, 31 Jul. 1848 - 31 Jul. 1848
, Lancashire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 31 Jul. 1848 - 31 Jul. 1848
, Devon

Davis, Sidney
Davis, S. Dramatic, 05 Aug. 1848 - 05 Aug. 1848
, Fife

Saville, Edmund
Saville, E.F. Dramatic, 16 Aug. 1848 - 16 Aug. 1848
City of London Theatre, London (city-county)

Forde, Norton
Forde, Norton Dramatic, 18 Aug. 1848 - 18 Aug. 1848
New Theatre, Devon

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 21 Aug. 1848 - 26 Aug. 1848
Edinburgh Adelphi Theatre, Edinburgh

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 28 Aug. 1848 - 28 Aug. 1848
, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 04 Sep. 1848 - 04 Sep. 1848
, Southampton (city-county) in Hampshire
Othello Troupe (Tenby, 48) Dramatic, 06 Sep. 1848 - 06 Sep. 1848
, Pembrokeshire
Othello Troupe (Manchester Theatre Royal, 48) Dramatic, 23 Oct. 1848 - 23 Oct. 1848
Theatre Royal, Manchester, Lancashire
Dramatic, 23 Oct. 1848 - 28 Oct. 1848
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Smythson, M.
Smythson, M. Dramatic, 26 Oct. 1848 - 26 Oct. 1848
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 30 Oct. 1848 - 30 Oct. 1848
Royal Amphitheatre/Royal Adelphi Theatre, Yorkshire: West Riding

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 30 Oct. 1848 - 30 Oct. 1848
Adelphi Theatre, London (city-county)
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 02 Nov. 1848 - 02 Nov. 1848
Royal Amphitheatre/Royal Adelphi Theatre, Yorkshire: West Riding

Phillips, F.
Phillips, F. Dramatic, 06 Nov. 1848 - 06 Nov. 1848
, Devon

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 06 Nov. 1848 - 11 Nov. 1848
, Forfar

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 13 Nov. 1848 - 18 Nov. 1848
, Yorkshire: West Riding

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 20 Nov. 1848 - 20 Nov. 1848
Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, Edinburgh

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 04 Dec. 1848 - 09 Dec. 1848
Theatre Royal, Dundee, Forfar

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 26 Dec. 1848 - 30 Dec. 1848
, Aberdeen

Cobham Dramatic, 26 Dec. 1848 - 26 Dec. 1848
, Southampton (city-county) in Hampshire

Owen, George
Owen, George Dramatic, 01 Jan. 1849 - 04 Jan. 1849
Stafford Theatre, Staffordshire
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 49) Dramatic, 08 Jan. 1849 - 08 Jan. 1849
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan
Anderson, James Dramatic, 10 Jan. 1849 - 10 Jan. 1849
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 23 Jan. 1849 - 23 Jan. 1849
, Lincolnshire

Mude Dramatic, 02 Feb. 1849 - 02 Feb. 1849
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Grosvenor Dramatic, 15 Feb. 1849 - 15 Feb. 1849
Dramatic Institute, London (city-county)

Charles, E.M.
Charles, E.M. Dramatic, 19 Feb. 1849 - 19 Feb. 1849
Royal Amphitheatre/Royal Adelphi Theatre, Yorkshire: West Riding

Wallack, James
Wallack, James Dramatic, 26 Feb. 1849 - 26 Feb. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)

Wallack, James
Wallack, James Dramatic, 28 Feb. 1849 - 28 Feb. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)

Kean, Charles
Kean, Charles Dramatic, 12 Mar. 1849 - 17 Mar. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)

Templeton, Stacy
Templeton, Stacy Dramatic, 14 Mar. 1849 - 14 Mar. 1849
Bower Saloon, London (city-county)

Kean, Charles
Kean, Charles Dramatic, 19 Mar. 1849 - 23 Mar. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)

Jones , S.
Jones Dramatic, 23 Mar. 1849 - 23 Mar. 1849
North London Athenaeum, London (city-county)

Mead, T.
Mead, T. Dramatic, 26 Mar. 1849 - 29 Mar. 1849
Royal Surrey Theatre, London (city-county)
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 09 Apr. 1849 - 09 Apr. 1849
Theatre Royal, Dundee, Forfar

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 07 May. 1849 - 12 May. 1849
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Saville, Edmund
Saville, E.F. Dramatic, 08 May. 1849 - 08 May. 1849
City of London Theatre, London (city-county)

Kean, Charles
Kean, Charles Dramatic, 09 May. 1849 - 09 May. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)
Kean, Charles Dramatic, 15 May. 1849 - 15 May. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)

Hicks, T.
Hicks, T. Dramatic, 16 May. 1849 - 16 May. 1849
Royal Standard Theatre, London (city-county)

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 22 May. 1849 - 22 May. 1849
Royal Surrey Theatre, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Heywood, 49) Dramatic, 11 Jun. 1849 - 11 Jun. 1849
Heywood New Theatre, Lancashire

Phelps Dramatic, 12 Jun. 1849 - 12 Jun. 1849
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Talbot Dramatic, 25 Jun. 1849 - 30 Jun. 1849
, Limerick

Macready Dramatic, 10 Jul. 1849 - 10 Jul. 1849
, Lancashire
Othello Troupe (Liverpool, 49) Dramatic, 16 Jul. 1849 - 21 Jul. 1849
Royal Amphitheatre, Lancashire

Elliott, Grattan
Elliott, Grattan Dramatic, 23 Jul. 1849 - 28 Jul. 1849
, Antrim

Sullivan, Barry
Sullivan, Barry Dramatic, 23 Jul. 1849 - 23 Jul. 1849
Royal Amphitheatre, Lancashire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 06 Aug. 1849 - 06 Aug. 1849
, Lancashire

Tyrrell Dramatic, 08 Aug. 1849 - 08 Aug. 1849
, Durham

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 13 Aug. 1849 - 18 Aug. 1849
, Yorkshire: West Riding

Nicholls, Henry
Nicholls, Henry Dramatic, 17 Aug. 1849 - 17 Aug. 1849
Royal Albert Rooms, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire

Oliver Dramatic, 20 Aug. 1849 - 20 Aug. 1849
Royal Standard Theatre, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Plymouth, 49) Dramatic, 23 Aug. 1849 - 23 Aug. 1849
, Devon
Othello Troupe (Ramsgate, 49) Dramatic, 27 Aug. 1849 - 01 Sep. 1849
, Kent

Hutton, Rev. Hugh
Hutton, Rev. Hugh Dramatic, 27 Aug. 1849 - 01 Sep. 1849
Assembly Rooms, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire

Macready Dramatic, 03 Sep. 1849 - 04 Sep. 1849
, Worcestershire
Othello Troupe (Ledbury, 49) Dramatic, 17 Sep. 1849 - 22 Sep. 1849
, Herefordshire
Othello Troupe (Arbroath, 49) Dramatic, 17 Sep. 1849 - 22 Sep. 1849
, Forfar

Prescott Dramatic, 24 Sep. 1849 - 29 Sep. 1849
, Herefordshire
Othello Troupe (Manchester, 49) Dramatic, 01 Oct. 1849 - 06 Oct. 1849
Theatre Royal, Manchester, Lancashire

Phelps Dramatic, 01 Oct. 1849 - 02 Oct. 1849
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)

Owen, George
Owen, George Dramatic, 01 Oct. 1849 - 01 Oct. 1849
, Denbighshire
Othello Troupe (Wycombe, 49) Dramatic, 01 Oct. 1849 - 01 Oct. 1849
, Buckinghamshire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 04 Oct. 1849 - 04 Oct. 1849
, Renfrew

Mills, E.
Mills, E. Dramatic, 05 Oct. 1849 - 05 Oct. 1849
Theatre Royal, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 08 Oct. 1849 - 08 Oct. 1849
, Lanark

Phelps Dramatic, 08 Oct. 1849 - 09 Oct. 1849
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 10 Oct. 1849 - 10 Oct. 1849
, Ayr

Nicholls, Henry
Nicholls, Henry Dramatic, 15 Oct. 1849 - 15 Oct. 1849
Blagrove's Rooms, London (city-county)

Phelps Dramatic, 15 Oct. 1849 - 16 Oct. 1849
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)

Bennett, James
Bennett, James Dramatic, 15 Oct. 1849 - 20 Oct. 1849
, Warwickshire

Kean, Edmund
Kean, Edmund Dramatic, 15 Oct. 1849 - 20 Oct. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Redditch, 49) Dramatic, 22 Oct. 1849 - 27 Oct. 1849
, Worcestershire

Walton Dramatic, 05 Nov. 1849 - 05 Nov. 1849
, Yorkshire: West Riding

Owen, George
Owen, George Dramatic, 12 Nov. 1849 - 12 Nov. 1849
, Shropshire

Frazer Dramatic, 19 Nov. 1849 - 24 Nov. 1849
, Devon

Macready Dramatic, 19 Nov. 1849 - 19 Nov. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)
Dramatic, 19 Nov. 1849 - 19 Nov. 1849
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Dawson, G.
Dawson, G. Dramatic, 19 Nov. 1849 - 19 Nov. 1849
, Wexford

Forde, Norton
Forde, Norton Dramatic, 22 Nov. 1849 - 22 Nov. 1849
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 24 Nov. 1849 - 24 Nov. 1849
Theatre Royal, Manchester, Lancashire

Wallack, James
Wallack, James Dramatic, 26 Nov. 1849 - 26 Nov. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)

Betty, Henry
Betty, Henry Dramatic, 26 Nov. 1849 - 26 Nov. 1849
, Yorkshire: East Riding
Phillips, F. Dramatic, 27 Nov. 1849 - 27 Nov. 1849
Theatre Royal, Colchester, Essex

Sullivan, Barry
Sullivan, Barry Dramatic, 03 Dec. 1849 - 08 Dec. 1849
, Lancashire

Wallack, James
Wallack, James Dramatic, 03 Dec. 1849 - 03 Dec. 1849
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 49) Dramatic, 04 Dec. 1849 - 04 Dec. 1849
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 04 Dec. 1849 - 04 Dec. 1849
Prince's Theatre Royal, Lanark

Benson, Wood
Benson, Wood Dramatic, 04 Dec. 1849 - 04 Dec. 1849
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire
Othello Troupe (Stockport, 49) Dramatic, 24 Dec. 1849 - 29 Dec. 1849
, Cheshire
Coleman Dramatic, 14 Jan. 1850 - 14 Jan. 1850
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire
Macready Dramatic, 24 Jan. 1850 - 24 Jan. 1850
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 04 Feb. 1850 - 04 Feb. 1850
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Ormonde, Alfred
Ormonde, Alfred Dramatic, 20 Feb. 1850 - 20 Feb. 1850
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan
MacreadyOthello Troupe (Newcastle, 50) Dramatic, 06 Mar. 1850 - 06 Mar. 1850
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 50) Dramatic, 16 Mar. 1850 - 16 Mar. 1850
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 18 Mar. 1850 - 18 Mar. 1850
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 03 Apr. 1850 - 04 Apr. 1850
Princess's Theatre, Leeds, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 15 Apr. 1850 - 20 Apr. 1850
Wild’s New Theatre, Yorkshire: West Riding
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 50) Dramatic, 17 Apr. 1850 - 17 Apr. 1850
Royal Amphitheatre/Royal Adelphi Theatre, Yorkshire: West Riding
Dramatic, 14 May. 1850 - 14 May. 1850
Royal Amphitheatre/Royal Adelphi Theatre, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 29 Jul. 1850 - 03 Aug. 1850
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 05 Aug. 1850 - 05 Aug. 1850
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding
Othello Troupe (Brighton, 50) Dramatic, 04 Sep. 1850 - 04 Sep. 1850
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 09 Sep. 1850 - 14 Sep. 1850
Cambridge Theatre, Cambridgeshire
Othello Troupe (Brighton, 50) Dramatic, 11 Sep. 1850 - 11 Sep. 1850
Theatre Royal, Brighton, Sussex

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 16 Sep. 1850 - 16 Sep. 1850
, Cambridgeshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 27 Sep. 1850 - 28 Sep. 1850
, Worcestershire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 07 Oct. 1850 - 12 Oct. 1850
, Devon

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 18 Nov. 1850 - 23 Nov. 1850
, Cambridgeshire
Amateur Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 50) Dramatic, 18 Nov. 1850 - 18 Nov. 1850
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 50) Dramatic, 26 Nov. 1850 - 26 Nov. 1850
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan
Dramatic, 20 Dec. 1850 - 20 Dec. 1850
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 06 Jan. 1851 - 06 Jan. 1851
, Leicestershire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 06 Jan. 1851 - 06 Jan. 1851
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 13 Jan. 1851 - 13 Jan. 1851
Theatre Royal, Belfast, Antrim

Wentworth, Butler
Wentworth, Butler Dramatic, 20 Jan. 1851 - 25 Jan. 1851
, Lancashire

Macready Dramatic, 22 Jan. 1851 - 22 Jan. 1851
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Newcastle, 51)HenglerOthello Troupe (London-Haymarket, 51) Dramatic, 27 Jan. 1851 - 27 Jan. 1851
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Clitheroe 51) Dramatic, 27 Jan. 1851 - 01 Feb. 1851
, Lancashire
Othello Troupe (Dereham, 51) Dramatic, 27 Jan. 1851 - 01 Feb. 1851
, Buckinghamshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 03 Feb. 1851 - 08 Feb. 1851
Theatre Royal, Ipswich, Suffolk
Othello Troupe (Sunderland, 51) Dramatic, 10 Feb. 1851 - 15 Feb. 1851
Theatre Royal, Sunderland, Cumberland

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 10 Feb. 1851 - 10 Feb. 1851
Drury Lane Theatre, London (city-county)
Dramatic, 11 Feb. 1851 - 11 Feb. 1851
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 17 Feb. 1851 - 17 Feb. 1851
Prince's Theatre Royal, Lanark

Grisdale, Walter
Grisdale, Walter Dramatic, 17 Feb. 1851 - 22 Feb. 1851
, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan
Othello Troupe (Sunderland, 51) Dramatic, 17 Feb. 1851 - 22 Feb. 1851
Theatre Royal, Sunderland, Cumberland

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 17 Feb. 1851 - 17 Feb. 1851
Drury Lane Theatre, London (city-county)

Phelps Dramatic, 20 Feb. 1851 - 20 Feb. 1851
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 24 Feb. 1851 - 01 Mar. 1851
Prince's Theatre Royal, Lanark
Othello Troupe (Lynn, 51) Dramatic, 24 Feb. 1851 - 01 Mar. 1851
Pavilion, Staffordshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 24 Feb. 1851 - 26 Feb. 1851
Princess's Theatre, Leeds, Yorkshire: West Riding

Mills, E.
Mills, E. Dramatic, 03 Mar. 1851 - 08 Mar. 1851
Theatre Royal, Derby, Derbyshire

Loraine Dramatic, 03 Mar. 1851 - 08 Mar. 1851
Theatre Royal, Bradford, Yorkshire: West Riding

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 03 Mar. 1851 - 03 Mar. 1851
Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, Edinburgh

Wallack, James
Wallack, James Dramatic, 08 Mar. 1851 - 08 Mar. 1851
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 25 Mar. 1851 - 25 Mar. 1851
Theatre Royal, Derby, Derbyshire
Othello Troupe (Sunderland, 51) Dramatic, 31 Mar. 1851 - 05 Apr. 1851
Theatre Royal, Sunderland, Cumberland

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 31 Mar. 1851 - 31 Mar. 1851
Theatre Royal, Birmingham, Warwickshire

Wentworth, Butler
Wentworth, Butler Dramatic, 01 Apr. 1851 - 01 Apr. 1851
, Lancashire
Othello Troupe (London-Standard, 51) Dramatic, 07 Apr. 1851 - 07 Apr. 1851
Royal Standard Theatre, London (city-county)
Amateur Othello (Glasgow, 51) Dramatic, 08 Apr. 1851 - 08 Apr. 1851
Queen's Theatre, Lanark
Dramatic, 08 Apr. 1851 - 08 Apr. 1851
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 09 Apr. 1851 - 09 Apr. 1851
, Warwickshire
Othello Troupe (Plymouth, 51) Dramatic, 22 Apr. 1851 - 22 Apr. 1851
Theatre Royal, Plymouth, Devon

Wentworth, Butler
Wentworth, Butler Dramatic, 07 May. 1851 - 07 May. 1851
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Wallack, James
Wallack, James Dramatic, 07 May. 1851 - 07 May. 1851
Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (city-county)

Kemble, Mrs. Fanny
Kemble, Mrs. Fanny Dramatic, 07 May. 1851 - 07 May. 1851
Willis's Rooms, London (city-county)

Wood, J.C.
Wood, J.C. Dramatic, 12 May. 1851 - 17 May. 1851
, Yorkshire: North Riding

Creswick Dramatic, 19 May. 1851 - 20 May. 1851
Royal Surrey Theatre, London (city-county)

Phelps Dramatic, 19 May. 1851 - 22 May. 1851
Sadler's Wells, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 19 May. 1851 - 24 May. 1851
Theatre Royal, Blackburn, Lancashire

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 02 Jun. 1851 - 02 Jun. 1851
Royal Amphitheatre, Lancashire

Sullivan, Barry
Sullivan, Barry Dramatic, 04 Jun. 1851 - 04 Jun. 1851
Royal Amphitheatre, Lancashire

Young Dramatic, 09 Jun. 1851 - 09 Jun. 1851
Theatre Royal, Perth, Perth

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 11 Jun. 1851 - 11 Jun. 1851
, Guernsey

Harald, H.
Harald, H. Dramatic, 16 Jun. 1851 - 21 Jun. 1851
Theatre Royal, Stockport, Cheshire

Hengler Dramatic, 18 Jun. 1851 - 18 Jun. 1851
, Isle of Man

Moreton, H.
Moreton, H. Dramatic, 19 Jun. 1851 - 19 Jun. 1851
Miss Kelly's Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 14 Jul. 1851 - 19 Jul. 1851
Edinburgh Adelphi Theatre, Edinburgh

Mude Dramatic, 21 Jul. 1851 - 21 Jul. 1851
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Swinbourne Dramatic, 23 Jul. 1851 - 23 Jul. 1851
Theatre Royal, Manchester, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 24 Jul. 1851 - 26 Jul. 1851
Theatre Royal, Dundee, Forfar

Bentley, T.
Bentley, T. Dramatic, 29 Jul. 1851 - 29 Jul. 1851
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Sutton, Sambo
Sutton, Sambo Dramatic, 04 Aug. 1851 - 09 Aug. 1851
Theatre Royal, Marylebone, London (city-county)

Plunkett Dramatic, 04 Aug. 1851 - 04 Aug. 1851
Theatre Royal, Southampton, Southampton (city-county) in Hampshire

Cobham Dramatic, 06 Aug. 1851 - 06 Aug. 1851
Theatre Royal, Gravesend, Kent
Othello Troupe (City of London, 51) Dramatic, 13 Aug. 1851 - 13 Aug. 1851
City of London Theatre, London (city-county)

Tindell, R.
Tindell, R. Dramatic, 25 Aug. 1851 - 25 Aug. 1851
Theatre Royal, Windsor, Berkshire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 05 Sep. 1851 - 05 Sep. 1851
, Yorkshire: North Riding

Pitt, Charles
Pitt, Charles Dramatic, 08 Sep. 1851 - 13 Sep. 1851
, Edinburgh

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 17 Sep. 1851 - 17 Sep. 1851
Theatre Royal, Southampton, Southampton (city-county) in Hampshire

Dolman Dramatic, 22 Sep. 1851 - 22 Sep. 1851
Theatre Royal, Richmond, Yorkshire: North Riding

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 29 Sep. 1851 - 29 Sep. 1851
, Warwickshire

Pitt, Charles
Pitt, Charles Dramatic, 13 Oct. 1851 - 18 Oct. 1851
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 13 Oct. 1851 - 13 Oct. 1851
Theatre Royal, Chester, Cheshire

Davenport, J.L.
Davenport, J.L. Dramatic, 20 Oct. 1851 - 25 Oct. 1851
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Pitt, Charles
Pitt, Charles Dramatic, 10 Nov. 1851 - 15 Nov. 1851
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 18 Nov. 1851 - 20 Nov. 1851
City of London Theatre, London (city-county)

Brooke, G.V.
Brooke, G.V. Dramatic, 20 Nov. 1851 - 20 Nov. 1851
Royal Amphitheatre, Lancashire

Lyttleton Dramatic, 24 Nov. 1851 - 24 Nov. 1851
Miss Kelly's Theatre, London (city-county)
Printers' Dramatic Society Othello (St. James, 51) Dramatic, 29 Nov. 1851 - 29 Nov. 1851
St. James Theatre, London (city-county)

Preston, George
Preston, George Dramatic, 29 Nov. 1851 - 29 Nov. 1851
Queen's Theatre, Lancashire

Anderson, James
Anderson, James Dramatic, 08 Dec. 1851 - 08 Dec. 1851
City of London Theatre, London (city-county)

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 08 Dec. 1851 - 12 Dec. 1851
, Lancashire

Owen, George
Owen, George Dramatic, 12 Dec. 1851 - 12 Dec. 1851
, Northamptonshire

Owen, George
Owen, George Dramatic, 26 Dec. 1851 - 26 Dec. 1851
, Northamptonshire
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 52) Dramatic, 06 Jan. 1852 - 06 Jan. 1852
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 07 Jan. 1852 - 07 Jan. 1852
Theatre Royal, Plymouth, Devon

Farren, Henry
Farren, Henry Dramatic, 19 Jan. 1852 - 24 Jan. 1852
Olympic Theatre, London (city-county)
Othello Troupe (Bristol, 52) Dramatic, 27 Jan. 1852 - 27 Jan. 1852
Theatre Royal, Bristol, Bristol (city-county) in Gloucestershire
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 52) Dramatic, 03 Feb. 1852 - 03 Feb. 1852
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding

Pitt, Charles
Pitt, Charles Dramatic, 10 Feb. 1852 - 10 Feb. 1852
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 16 Feb. 1852 - 16 Feb. 1852
, Lancashire

Pitt, Charles
Pitt, Charles Dramatic, 21 Feb. 1852 - 21 Feb. 1852
Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (city-county) in Northumberlan

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 01 Mar. 1852 - 01 Mar. 1852
Princess's Theatre, Leeds, Yorkshire: West Riding

Aldridge, Ira
Aldridge, Ira Dramatic, 08 Mar. 1852 - 09 Mar. 1852
Britannia Saloon, London (city-county)

Pitt, Charles
Pitt, Charles Dramatic, 18 Aug. 1852 - 18 Aug. 1852
Theatre Royal, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 52) Dramatic, 05 Oct. 1852 - 09 Oct. 1852
Royal Amphitheatre/Royal Adelphi Theatre, Yorkshire: West Riding

Pitt, Charles
Pitt, Charles Dramatic, 23 Oct. 1852 - 23 Oct. 1852
Theatre Royal, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Grisdale, Walter
Pitt, Charles
Grisdale, WalterPitt, Charles Dramatic, 27 Oct. 1852 - 28 Oct. 1852
Royal Amphitheatre/Royal Adelphi Theatre, Yorkshire: West Riding
Othello Troupe (Sheffield, 52) Dramatic, 09 Dec. 1852 - 09 Dec. 1852
Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding