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Burghersh, Bartholomew (1304 - 1355)

Born / Died

Birth Date: 1304
Death Date: 1355-08-03


Deprived of lands 4 Nov. 1320; imprisoned in the Tower Oct. 1321--before Dec. 1326


Marriages/Other Unions

  1. Type: marriage
    Union began: n.d.
    Union ended: n.d.

Primary Title

  • 3rd Baron Burghersh


  • 3rd Baron Burghersh
    Assumed: 1329/30-01-25
    Vacated: 1355-08-03

Details of Offices

Began Ended Notes
Constable, Kent 1326 -12 -1 1330 -12 -14
Warden, Kent 1326 -12 -1 1330 -12 -14 Cinque Ports also in Sussex
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Kent 1327 Cinque Ports also in Sussex
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Kent 1327 1328
JP, Kent 1327 1355
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Surrey 1328
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Sussex 1328
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Essex 1328
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Kent 1329
Commissioner of Array, Kent 1330 Cinque Ports also in Sussex
Keeper of Forests, South of Trent 1335 -10 -18 1343 -12 -4
Admiral of the Western Fleet, England 1337 -8 -11 1338 -07 -28
Privy Councillor, England 1341 -10 -10
Constable, Kent 1343 -12 -3 1355 -08 -3
Warden, Kent 1343 -12 -3 1355 -08 -3
King's Chamberlin, England 1347 -6 -13
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Kent 1348
Keeper, Parks and Chases of the See of Canterbury, Kent 1348 -8 -21 1348 -12 -14
Keeper, Middlesex 1349 -8 -28 1349 -12 -14
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Kent 1353 Cinque Ports also in Sussex
Keeper, London 1355 -6 -27 1355 -08 -3


  • Essex
  • Kent
  • Surrey

Event Naming Patron

Event Type Date Location Troupe
Performance - Abbot's Hall, Boxley, near Maidstone, Kent Sir Bartholomew Burghersh's Trumpeters

Patronized Troupes

Troupe Name Patron Troupe Type # of events
Sir Bartholomew Burghersh's Trumpeters Burghersh, Bartholomew (1304 - 1355) Musicians 1

Bibliographic Sources

  • The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. 1887–98 (8 vols); 1910–59 (13 vols). 6 vols. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1982
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.