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Earl of Montgomery's Players, 1 Nov. 1610 -31 Oct. 1611, Coventry

Venue Image

Event Type



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Event Details

  • Location: Coventry
    County: Coventry (city-county) in Warwickshire
    Type: Performance
    Venue: St Mary's Guildhall

Troupe Details

Troupe Payments

Summary 2s. 6d.
This summary payment would seem to include rewards given to 4 troupes. However, the REED <i>Coventry</i> editor observes that 'in a period when 5 s. is the least sum given to a company of players...2 s. 6 d. divided between four companies is ludicrously small'

Number of Performers


Performers at this event

Herbert, Philip
Sidney, Robert
Somerset, William
Sackville, Richard

Event Source

Source: REED Coventry 381