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St Olaf's Church

Venue Type & Location



The medieval parish church of Poughill is located on a hillside along the main road through the village, with the church house opposite. The village is near the N coast of Cornwall a few miles from the Greynfyld family residence at Stowe.

The church retains some remarkable Tudor furnishings, notably the carved bench ends.

Performance History

Only 1 instance, of a performance by the King's Players, survives in the 16th c. parish churchwardens' accounts for Poughill, a small village near the N coast of Cornwall.

Current Status

St Olaf's continues to serve as the Anglican parish church of Poughill in the diocese of Truro.

History of the Venue

14th/15th c. Rebuilding of the church on the site of an earlier Norman foundation.

1779 Singing gallery erected beneath the tower.

1860 Gallery dismantled.

1928 Extensive restoration.

1969 Screen erected.

Record Source

REED Dorset/Cornwall 505

Patrons who owned this venue

[No data found.]

Bibliographic Sources

  • Davidson, Robin. Cornwall. London: Batsford, 1978
  • Pevsner, Nikolaus. Cornwall. Harmondsworth, Midd: Penguin Books, 1970