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Submitted by serafinm on
Edited by
Jenn Stephenson, 25-Oct-01; Sally-Beth MacLean, 13-Nov-01; Sally-Beth MacLean, 10-Jan-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 10-Jan-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 29-Jan-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 13-Apr-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 21-May-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 21-May-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 22-May-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 22-May-02;
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Dugald MacLean

The screen, with its 2 doors, is original, presenting a good example of Jacobean woodwork.

The date 1605 is inlaid over the screen doorways. Dimensions of the screen are 20' 4 1/2' in length and 13' 7 1/2' high. The 2 doorways are 7' 1 1/2' at their highest point and 3' 3' at the widest.

In 1851 Barry renewed some lower sections of the screen and added sideboards with shelves and mirrors for china displays as decorative extensions at the corners of the gallery.