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Submitted by serafinm on
Edited by
Sally-Beth MacLean, 20-Dec-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 20-Dec-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 16-Feb-06; Sally-Beth MacLean, 16-Feb-06;
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Textual Description
'The [late 16th c.] roof is of six bays and covered a Hall 4 1/2 ft. shorter on the W. than the Hall now is. The trusses have straight tie-beams, king-posts and two collars, with subsidiary king-posts between the collars and from the upper collar to the ridge; in the centre of each tie-beam is a moulded pendant and towards each end are hammer-posts with solid curved braces, but the lower parts of the posts have been destroyed and there is no evidence of the form they took. All the timbers are moulded and have deep channelling on the vertical faces; the two purlins on each side and the rafters are stop-chamfered and much of the original boarding survives.'

RCHM, Cambridge 1.67