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Submitted by serafinm on
Edited by
Sally-Beth MacLean, 31-Mar-10; Sally-Beth MacLean, 31-Mar-10; Sally-Beth MacLean, 12-Apr-10; Sally-Beth MacLean, 12-Apr-10; Sally-Beth MacLean, 14-Dec-10; Sally-Beth MacLean, 14-Dec-10; Carolyn Black, 10-Jan-11; Sally-Beth MacLean, 25-Feb-11; Sally-Beth MacLean, 25-Feb-11; Maria Lau, 03-Mar-11; Sally-Beth MacLean, 07-Mar-11;
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Textual Description
There was an original entrance door from the old court at the low (SE) end, with another opposite on the W side. Both doors were bricked up when the S wall was rebuilt in the early 17th c. 2 doors in the Jacobean screen led to the new screens passage. A 20th c. porch was built on the N side hall.

Simpson, Old Hall 35--7