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Submitted by serafinm on
Edited by
Sally-Beth MacLean, 19-Dec-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 19-Dec-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 10-Jan-06;
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Textual Description
'In the <i>Interior</i> of the Hall, in the W. end of the N wall, is an early 16th-century doorway with chamfered jambs and moulded three-centred head with a portcullis and a Tudor rose carved in the spandrels; until the time of the rebuilding it was in the N. end of the E. wall opening, probably into a lobby at the foot of the adjoining circular stair.'

There are also 2 doors leading to the butteries in the 19th c. S wall at the low end and another 19th c. door in the E end of the N wall.

RCHM, Cambridge 1.32