Edited by
Sally-Beth MacLean, 30-Mar-04; Sally-Beth MacLean, 30-Mar-04; Sally-Beth MacLean, 05-Apr-04; Sally-Beth MacLean, 05-Apr-04; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Apr-04; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Apr-04; Sally-Beth MacLean, 28-Jan-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 28-Jan-05; Carolyn Black, 08-Mar-05;
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Sally-Beth MacLean
The screens end has 3 central doors, the middle one larger, as well as a narrow door at the SE corner leading to stone stairs up to the gallery level, with the half-timbered S range rooms beyond on 2 levels. The larger central door leads down a staircase to the kitchen, the E end door leads into the council chamber. The W door at the low end leads into the prince's chamber.