Performers & Companies


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Performers and Companies:   A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All  
Displaying 1001 - 1200 of 1861
Performers & Companies Type of Performer # of Events
Mr. Chambers Dramatic 4
Mr. Champness Vocal Performance 1
Mr. Chapman 1
Mr. Charles Hill Dramatic 9
Mr. Cheseborough Dramatic 1
Mr. Clifford Dramatic 2
Mr. Cochrane Dramatic 1
Mr. Crawford, 93rd Regiment 4
Mr. Creighton Dramatic 1
Mr. Crocker 1
Mr. Curfew 1
Mr. D'Alton, 83rd Regiment 6
Mr. D. Leonard Dramatic 2
Mr. Davenport Dramatic 2
Mr. Davis Dramatic 8
Mr. Davis Circus 1
Mr. Dean Dramatic 2
Mr. Deer Circus 2
Mr. Deering 3
Mr. DeFonblanque Dramatic 1
Mr. DeWalden Dramatic 12
Mr. Dixon Circus 3
Mr. Dogherty 1
Mr. Dowman 2
Mr. Duff Dramatic 1
Mr. Dyke Dramatic 1
Mr. Dyke's Company Dramatic 1
Mr. E.G. Mead Circus 1
Mr. Eldon Hall Lecture 1
Mr. Elliot Dramatic 1
Mr. Evans Entertainers / Minstrels 1
Mr. F. Brown Dramatic 2
Mr. F. Whittaker Circus 1
Mr. Flanders Dramatic 4
Mr. Fleming Dramatic 23
Mr. Forbes Dramatic 1
Mr. Forrest Dramatic 1
Mr. Frank Stanton Entertainers / Minstrels 1
Mr. Frankland 2
Mr. Frederick Buxton Dramatic 1
Mr. Fremont Dramatic 4
Mr. G. Archer Circus 1
Mr. G. Sherwood 1
Mr. G. Strachan 1
Mr. G. Sweet Circus 1
Mr. G.K. Dickinson Dramatic 17
Mr. George Heilge Visual Art 1
Mr. George Kunkel Minstrel 1
Mr. Gibbs Supper/Festival 1
Mr. Gilbert 11
Mr. Glassford Dramatic 1
Mr. Glaya, a slackwire artist Other 0
Mr. Gregg Dramatic 1
Mr. H. Farren Dramatic 3
Mr. H. Franklin Circus 1
Mr. H. Schallehn Dance 1
Mr. H.K. Johnson Minstrel 3
Mr. H.P. Madigan Circus 1
Mr. H.W. Blackstone 1
Mr. H.W. Day Circus 1
Mr. Hamblin Dramatic 1
Mr. Hamilton Lecture 1
Mr. Hamilton, 83rd Regiment 1
Mr. Harrison Dramatic 7
Mr. Harry Lehr Minstrel 1
Mr. Harry Seymour Dramatic 6
Mr. Hart 1
Mr. Hastings Dramatic 3
Mr. Hatch Circus 1
Mr. Hay, 93rd Regiment 2
Mr. Hayes 2
Mr. Hennessy Dramatic 1
Mr. Henry Needham Circus 1
Mr. Herwig Musicians 1
Mr. Hield Dramatic 2
Mr. Hill Dramatic 1
Mr. Hobbs Circus 1
Mr. Hood Circus 1
Mr. Hoppner Meyer 2
Mr. Horace Smith Circus 1
Mr. Hough Dramatic 2
Mr. Howes Circus 1
Mr. Humphreys 2
Mr. Huntingdon Circus 1
Mr. Hutchings Mixed 1
Mr. J. Anderson Dramatic 3
Mr. J. H. Kirby Dramatic 1
Mr. J. Lovett Circus 1
Mr. J.D. Barnes Dramatic 1
Mr. J.M. McCreary Circus 1
Mr. J.M. White Vocal Performance 1
Mr. J.W. Paul Circus 1
Mr. Jackson Circus 3
Mr. James Dramatic 4
Mr. James Hamilton Visual Art 1
Mr. James McFarland Circus 1
Mr. Jameson Dramatic 1
Mr. Jamison Dramatic 0
Mr. Jennings' Band Band 1
Mr. John Gossin Circus 1
Mr. Jones Dramatic 1
Mr. Jones Lecture 1
Mr. Joseph S. Lee Dramatic 3
Mr. Judah 2
Mr. Kennedy Dramatic 2
Mr. Kennedy Circus 0
Mr. Kent 1
Mr. Kyle Musicians 1
Mr. Laing 1
Mr. Landlord, 71st Regiment Dramatic 1
Mr. Larrett W. Smith Dramatic 1
Mr. Leati Vocal Performance 0
Mr. Lennox Dramatic 7
Mr. Leonard Dramatic 1
Mr. Linton 3
Mr. Littlewood Musicians 1
Mr. Lowder Dramatic 1
Mr. Luke Dramatic 2
Mr. Lyne Dramatic 1
Mr. Lyons Dramatic 4
Mr. M'Millan Other 1
Mr. M.W. White Minstrel 1
Mr. Macarte Acrobats/Physical Feats 1
Mr. Mackenzie's Committee Dramatic 1
Mr. Manvers Dramatic 2
Mr. Marshall Dramatic 1
Mr. Massey Dramatic 2
Mr. Maylor, 83rd Regiment 1
Mr. McCleary Circus 4
Mr. McFarland Circus 1
Mr. McIntosh, Royal Artillery 6
Mr. McKeon Dramatic 2
Mr. McStuart, 71st Regiment Dramatic 1
Mr. Meeker Dramatic 1
Mr. Mills Dramatic 2
Mr. Moorhouse Dramatic 0
Mr. Munford Dramatic 1
Mr. Mynheer Leydon Circus 1
Mr. Nathans Circus 2
Mr. Newton Dramatic 8
Mr. Nixon Acrobats/Physical Feats 1
Mr. Nosher Band 1
Mr. Nott, 83rd Regiment 4
Mr. Notter Dramatic 7
Mr. O'Flahetty, 83rd Regiment 0
Mr. O.H. Toulmin Dramatic 1
Mr. Ollier 1
Mr. P. Huntington Circus 2
Mr. Palmer Dramatic 1
Mr. Parday Dramatic 2
Mr. Parker Dramatic 5
Mr. Pemberton Dramatic 1
Mr. Peters Dramatic 25
Mr. Petrie Dramatic 9
Mr. Pierce Circus 1
Mr. Portal, 83rd Regiment 1
Mr. Post Circus 1
Mr. Potter and Mr. Thompson, from London Dramatic 1
Mr. Potter's Company Unknown 1
Mr. Powell Dramatic 2
Mr. Powell Dramatic 0
Mr. Proctor Dramatic 4
Mr. Reeve Dramatic 1
Mr. Reynolds 1
Mr. Rich Entertainers/Minstrels 1
Mr. Richings Dramatic 1
Mr. Roberston 2
Mr. Robinson Dramatic 2
Mr. Rodgers Dramatic 5
Mr. Ross, 93rd Regiment 1
Mr. Roy Dramatic 1
Mr. Russell Dramatic 1
Mr. Ryan Dramatic 1
Mr. Ryer Dramatic 1
Mr. Schrorder Band 1
Mr. Scougall Vocal Performance 2
Mr. Sharritt Dramatic 1
Mr. Sinclair Musicians 1
Mr. Skerrett Dramatic 11
Mr. Smith Dramatic 15
Mr. Smith Circus 1
Mr. Statesbury Dramatic 1
Mr. Steele, 83rd Artillery 2
Mr. Stone Circus 2
Mr. Strange, Royal Artillery 4
Mr. Strathy Opera 3
Mr. Sweet Circus 2
Mr. T. Brooks Supper/Festival 1
Mr. T. Jones Circus 1
Mr. T. Miller Circus 1
Mr. T. Schallehn Dance 1
Mr. Talbot Dramatic 3
Mr. Thomas 2
Mr. Thompson Dramatic 19
Mr. Thorne Dramatic 4
Mr. Trowbridge Dramatic 6
Mr. Trust Musicians 1
Mr. Vance Dramatic 1
Mr. Vernon Dramatic 2
Mr. Vincent Circus 1