Acton Burnell Castle


Located in Shropshire : near Shrewsbury
Private Residence
Performance Space: Hall
Width: 48' Length: 48'

The 3-bayed hall (which evidently had a central arcade) in the residential block is now presumed to have been for private use. It is located on the upper storey at the E end. The Great Hall used for more public purposes (including entertainment) lay elsewhere on the site but no details of its structure have survived (Emery, <em>Greater Medieval Houses</em> 503--4; West, 'Acton Burnell Castle' 91).

The N wall of the existing hall is complete but the S wall exists only to the level of the windowsills. There is no trace of a fireplace and a central hearth is unlikely. Private chambers were connected at the W end through a door in the NW corner. The service quarters lay in a timber-framed extension at the E, accessed by a central door and 2 hatches.