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Great hall

Brougham Castle

Located in Westmorland : Brougham Castle
Private Residence
Performance Space: Hall
Description / History (pre-1642)

Very little remains of the great hall located on the 1st floor of the E range. The remains of the W wall at ground level are 14th c.

The 13th c. E wall was heightened in the late 14th c. 3 original loop lights remain (2 blocked) and 2 14th c. windows, each of 2 trefoiled lights.

The hall was approached through a porch with a broad staircase on the W side.

The fireplace was located in the E wall. 'The remains of the elaborate doorway at the high end in the NE corner indicate that considerable expenditure was lavished upon the building work' (Summerson et al, <i>Brougham Castle</i> 147).

The hall had an open timbered roof and wooden floor (Curwen, 'Brougham Castle' 153).

The kitchen was immediately adjacent, to the S of the hall on the same level.