Marriages/Other Unions
- Type: marriageUnion began: 1479Union ended: n.d.Note: Son George was possibly born to Richard and his second wife, Jane Vaux.
- Type: marriageUnion began: 1489Union ended: n.d.
- Mother unknownMale offspring: Guildford, Edward (1479 - 1534)
- Mother unknownFemale offspring: Guildford, Philippa ( - )
- Mother unknownMale offspring: Guildford, Henry (1489 - 1532)
Primary Title
- Knight
- Knight
Bibliographic Sources
- Bindoff, S.T. The History of Parliament: The House of Commons, 1509–1558. 3 vols. London: Secker & Warburg, 1982
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
- Wedgwood, Josiah C., and Anne D. Holt. The History of Parliament: Biographies of the Members of the Commons House 1439–1509. London: HMSO, 1936