Other Last Name
Swinnarton, Swynnerton
Father: Beke, Nicholas de ( - 1369)
Marriages/Other Unions
- Type: marriageUnion began: exactlyUnion ended: exactly
From Swynnerton, Robert ( - 1386)
- Female offspring: Swynnerton, Maud ( - )
Bibliographic Sources
- Bliss, W. H.. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers, Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Petitions to the Pope [1342--1419]. London: HMSO, 1896
- Page, William, A.T. Gaydon and G.C. Baugh, eds. The Victoria History of the County of Shropshire. 11 vols. London: Archibald Constable, U of London, 1908--98