Other Last Name
Mother: Cecil, Anne (1556 - 1588)
Father: Vere, Edward de (1550 - 1604)
Marriages/Other Unions
- Type: marriageUnion began: exactly 1595-1-26Union ended: exactlyNote: Possibly married 24 or 26 June 1594
From Stanley, William (1561 - 1642)
- Male offspring: Stanley, James (1606/7 - 1651)
- Female offspring: Stanley, Anne (1599 - )
- Male offspring: Stanley, Robert ( - 1633)
- Female offspring: Stanley, Elizabeth (1600 - 1608)
- Male offspring: Stanley, Charles Henry ( - 1629)
Bibliographic Sources
- The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. 1887–98 (8 vols); 1910–59 (13 vols). 6 vols. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1982
- Nelson, Alan H. Monstrous Adversary: The Life of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2003
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.