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Lords of the Council, ( - )

Born / Died

Birth Date: n.d.
Death Date: n.d.


Not identified. The Privy Council comprised a large and varied membership



Details of Offices

Event Naming Patron

Event Type Date Location Troupe
Performance - Coventry (Unknown), Coventry, Coventry (city-county) in Warwickshire Lords of the Council's Trumpeters
Performance - Coventry (Unknown), Coventry, Coventry (city-county) in Warwickshire Lords of the Council's Trumpeters
Performance - Cambridge (Unknown), Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Lords of the Council's Trumpeters
Performance - Oxford (Unknown), Oxford, Oxfordshire Lords of the Council's Trumpeters
Performance - Oxford (Unknown), Oxford, Oxfordshire Lords of the Council's Trumpeters
Performance - Cambridge (Unknown), Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Lords of the Council's Trumpeters
Performance - Cambridge (Unknown), Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Lords of the Council's Trumpeters
Performance - Oxford (Unknown), Oxford, Oxfordshire Lords of the Council's Trumpeters

Patronized Troupes

Troupe Name Patron Troupe Type # of events
Lords of the Council's Trumpeters Lords of the Council, (0 - 0) Musicians 1
Lords of the Council's Trumpeters Lords of the Council, (0 - 0) Musicians 1
Lords of the Council's Trumpeters Lords of the Council, (0 - 0) Musicians 1
Lords of the Council's Trumpeters Lords of the Council, (0 - 0) Musicians 1
Lords of the Council's Trumpeters Lords of the Council, (0 - 0) Musicians 1
Lords of the Council's Trumpeters Lords of the Council, (0 - 0) Musicians 1
Lords of the Council's Trumpeters Lords of the Council, (0 - 0) Musicians 1
Lords of the Council's Trumpeters Lords of the Council, (0 - 0) Musicians 1

Bibliographic Sources