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Courtenay, William (1428 - 1485)

Born / Died

Birth Date: 1428
Death Date: 1485-09 (died between Feb. 1484/5 and this date)

Marriages/Other Unions

  1. Type: marriage
    Union began: n.d.
    Union ended: n.d.

Primary Title

  • Knight


  • Knight
    Assumed: 1462-05-11 (knighted between this date and 15 Feb. 1463/4)
    Vacated: 1485-09

General Lands Note

Entry into father's lands 19 Feb. 1481/2

Details of Offices

Began Ended
MP, Somerset 1455
Commissioner of Array, Somerset 1461
JP, Somerset 1461 1463
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Wiltshire 1462
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Somerset 1462
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Dorset 1462
JP, Devon 1463/4 1466
JP, Somerset 1465/6
JP, Devon 1467/8 1472
JP, Somerset 1468 1469
Commissioner of Array, Devon 1471 1472
JP, Devon 1473/4
JP, Devon 1479/80 1484
Sheriff, Devon 1482 -11 -5 1483 -11 -6
Commissioner of Array, Devon 1484
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Cornwall 1484
Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, Devon 1484

Details of Properties



  • Devon: Ilton
  • Somerset

Event Naming Patron

Event Type Date Location Troupe
Performance - Guildhall (1), Barnstaple, Devon Sir William Courtenay's Performers

Patronized Troupes

Troupe Name Patron Troupe Type # of events
Sir William Courtenay's Performers Courtenay, William (1428 - 1485) Entertainers/Minstrels 1

Owned Venues

Venue Name County Type
East Coker House Somerset Private Residence
Powderham Castle Exeter (city-county) in Devon Private Residence

Bibliographic Sources

  • Bindoff, S.T. The History of Parliament: The House of Commons, 1509–1558. 3 vols. London: Secker & Warburg, 1982
  • Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward IV – Henry VI [1467–77]. London: HMSO, 1900
  • Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward IV [1461–7]. London: HMSO, 1897
  • Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III [1476--85]. London: HMSO, 1901
  • Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry VI [1422--61]. 6 vols. London: HMSO, 1901--11
  • List of Sheriffs for England and Wales from the Earliest Times to AD 1831. London: HMSO, 1898
  • Wedgwood, Josiah C., and Anne D. Holt. The History of Parliament: Biographies of the Members of the Commons House 1439–1509. London: HMSO, 1936