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Harington, John ( - 1460)

Born / Died

Birth Date: n.d.
Death Date: 1460-12-29 (killed at the Battle of Wakefield )

Marriages/Other Unions

  1. Type: marriage
    Union began: n.d.
    Union ended: n.d.


Primary Title

  • Knight


  • Knight

Details of Offices

Event Naming Patron

Event Type Date Location Troupe
Performance - Common Hall, York, York (city-county) in Yorkshire Mr John Harington's Minstrel
Performance - Common Hall, York, York (city-county) in Yorkshire Mr John Harington's Minstrel
Performance - Common Hall, York, York (city-county) in Yorkshire Mr John Harington's Minstrel
Performance - Common Hall, York, York (city-county) in Yorkshire Mr John Harington's Minstrel/s
Performance - Common Hall, York, York (city-county) in Yorkshire Mr John Harington's Minstrels

Patronized Troupes

Troupe Name Patron Troupe Type # of events
Mr John Harington's Minstrel Harington, John (0 - 1460) Entertainers/Minstrels 1
Mr John Harington's Minstrel Harington, John (0 - 1460) Entertainers/Minstrels 1
Mr John Harington's Minstrel Harington, John (0 - 1460) Entertainers/Minstrels 1
Mr John Harington's Minstrels Harington, John (0 - 1460) Entertainers/Minstrels 1
Mr John Harington's Minstrel/s Harington, John (0 - 1460) Entertainers/Minstrels 1

Owned Venues

Venue Name County Type
Hornby Castle Lancashire Private Residence

Bibliographic Sources

  • The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. 1887–98 (8 vols); 1910–59 (13 vols). 6 vols. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1982
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
  • Raine, James, Jr., ed. Testamenta Eboracensia: A Selection of Wills from the Registry at York. Part II. Durham; London; London; Edinburgh: George Andrews; Whittaker & Co.; T. & W. Boone; Blackwood & Sons, 1855
  • Wedgwood, Josiah C., and Anne D. Holt. The History of Parliament: Biographies of the Members of the Commons House 1439–1509. London: HMSO, 1936