King's Minstrel/s, 6 May. 1459 -12 May. 1459, Kent


patron legend

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Event Type

Event Type: 
Date: 06 May. 1459-12 May. 1459 ( )

Event Details

Location: Lydd
County: Kent
Type: Performance
Venue: Lydd (Unknown)
Troupe: King's Minstrel/s
Troupe Qualifier: Definitely

Number of Performers


Troupe Payments

Payment 6s. 8d.
Composite 1s. 10d. (For expenses of minstrels and their horse. This payment is probably associated with the earlier 6s 8d payment in the account to the King's minstrel/s, although it may be for a separate visit)

Event Source

Source: REED Kent 661