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King's Minstrels/Waits, 9 Sep. 1517 -8 Sep. 1518, Cambridgeshire

Venue Image

Event Type



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Event Details

  • Location: Cambridge
    County: Cambridgeshire
    Type: Performance
    Venue: Guildhall

Troupe Details

Troupe Payments

Payment 6s. 8d.

Number of Performers




A memo follows this payment (to the 'King's Waits') and a payment of 6s. 8d. to the King's Trumpets: "that the 13s. 4d. above specified for the King's Minstrels is not allowed for by cause that Mr [John] Bury [mayor] paid 6s. 8d. to the King's Waits and the King's Trumpets had none this year and also the said Mr Bury paid to John Strong 6s. 8d. which 13s. 4d. remained in the hands of the said Mr Bury by him received of Richard Dawson and Thomas Grette [town treasurers?] for harness [armor] of the town that lacked [was lacking or lost] in their time."

Performers at this event

Tudor, Henry

Event Source

Source: REED Cambridge 89