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Yate Court

Venue Type & Location

Private Residence


Yate Court was a 16th c. fortified manor house, possibly incorporating parts of an earlier medieval house. Approx 2.2 m n of Yate village

The manorial buildings were set around a courtyard and surrounded by an oval moat.

Current Status

The house is currently in ruins, and the remains comprise part of the hall and part of the gatehouse. On private land; not accessible.

History of the Venue

1207 Ralph de Wyllington bought Yate Court from Worcester Abbey.

1299 de Wyllington's recieved licence to crenellate the manor; to be surrounded by a moat and fortifying walls, with a gatehouse, drawbridge and portcullis.

1397 The castle passed through the hands of several families, including the Berkeleys. Henry, Lord Berkeley (1534-1613) was occasionally resident, but his chief seat was at Caludon, Warks.

1644 Cromwell's troops camped at Yate Court, but razed it to the ground with their cannons upon leaving, thoroughly destroying the manor house. Yate Court was never rebuilt.

Patrons who owned this venue

Name Date Titles
Berkeley, Henry 1534-1613 Baron Berkeley

Bibliographic Sources

  • Bazeley, William. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Sociey, General Arrangements...for the Annual Spring Meeting...June...1898. 1898.
  • Fox, Francis F. 'The Description of the Manor Place of Yate in the Second Year of Edward VI.'. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 21 (1898): 22--24.
  • Hodges, E. Some Ancient English Homes and Their Associations: Personal, Archaeological & Historic. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895
  • Kennedy-Skipton, H.S. 'The Berkeleys at Yate.'. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 21 (1898): 25--31.
  • Robinson, William. West Country Manors. Bristol: St Stephen's P, 1930
  • Rudder, Samuel. A New History of Gloucestershire . Cirencester: Samuel Rudder, 1779
  • Salter, Mike. The Castles of Gloucestershire and Bristol. Malvern, Worc: Folly Publications, 2002
  • Verey, David, and Alan Brooks. Gloucestershire. 2 vols. London: Penguin Books, 1999--2002