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Submitted by serafinm on
Edited by
Sally-Beth MacLean, 29-Mar-10; Sally-Beth MacLean, 29-Mar-10; Sally-Beth MacLean, 29-Mar-10; Sally-Beth MacLean, 14-Dec-10; Carolyn Black, 10-Jan-11;
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' The windows were small and Gothic in Character. There was a large window at the east end. It also had short windows to the north which later overlooked some chambers of one storey called Twisden's Building, and long windows to the south, through which light came without interruption. The east window, when Dugdale saw it some time before 1666, was filled with coats of arms...There were also on the north side twelve coats of arms, and on the south twenty coats of arms.'

Hart, Inner Temple 6--7