Edited by
Sally-Beth MacLean, 23-Aug-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 23-Aug-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 23-Aug-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 23-Aug-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Sep-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Sep-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Sep-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Sep-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Sep-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Sep-05; Sally-Beth MacLean, 06-Sep-05;
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Sally-Beth MacLean
There are 4 large Perpendicular 4-light windows in each bay of the N wall and 5 Decorated windows with 3 lights each in the S wall (one of which is shown here). Rows of 14 smaller 3-light clerestory windows above. The W end of the hall contains a large central window and 2 smaller windows at the end of each aisle of 19th c. construction.