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Submitted by serafinm on
Edited by
Jenn Stephenson, 25-Oct-01; Sally-Beth MacLean, 13-Nov-01; Sally-Beth MacLean, 13-Apr-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 21-May-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 21-May-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 22-May-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 22-May-02; Sally-Beth MacLean, 23-May-02; Jenn Stephenson, 21-Dec-02; Carolyn Black, 02-Jun-04;
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Dugald MacLean

The windows are of uniform design providing good light for the hall. The bay alcove contains a window composed of 5 lights on 2 levels. Each light is 3' 4' high and 1' 1 1/2' wide.

The larger high end light has the same dimensions and has 7 lights on 2 levels. On the W side of the high end is another 3-light window.

There is a boarded up window on the SE side of the alcove wall that is still visible from the outside. It has 3 lights. Along the E wall is a 4-light window also of the same dimensions.