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Town Hall

Venue Type & Location

Town Hall


The original town hall was located in the middle of the High Street opposite the White Hart Inn.

Performance History

Probable performance venue. Few pre-1642 civic records survive but there are a couple of mid-16th c. records of touring performers in one surviving Town Book from the period. As the seat of civic government and centre for festive occasions, Lewes' town hall was the likely venue for most performances by touring entertainers before the mayor and city officials.

Current Status


History of the Venue

ca. 1564 New town hall and sessions house built. 'The building ... was of wood, and had a shop under it...' (Dunvan, Lewes 345--6).

1761 New town hall and sessions house built by John Morris on the same site as the 16th c. hall (Dunvan, Lewes 345).

1810 Demolished. The present County Hall is located near the same site on the High Street.

Record Source

REED Sussex 33--4

Patrons who owned this venue

[No data found.]

Bibliographic Sources

  • Brent, Colin. Historic Lewes and its Buildings. Lewes: Lewes Town Council, 1995
  • Dunvan, Paul. Ancient and Modern History of Lewes and Brighthelmston. Lewes: W. Lee, 1795
  • Godfrey, Walter H. 'The High Street, Lewes: A Brief Account of its Principal Houses.'. Sussex Archaeological Collections 93 (1955): 1--33.
  • Horsfield, Thomas Walker. The History and Antiquities of Lewes And its Vicinity. 2 vols. Lewes: J. Baxter, 1824--7
  • Nairn, Ian, and Nikolaus Pevsner. Sussex. Harmondsworth, Midd: Penguin Books, 1965
  • Salzman, L.F. (ed). The Town Book of Lewes 1542--1701. Lewes: Sussex Record Society, [1947] for 1945--6