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Thornbury Castle

Venue Type & Location

Private Residence


Thornbury Castle is in the village of Thornbury, situated on 15 acres of land, with distant views of the Severn Estuary and the hills of South Gloucestershire and Wales. Much of the original Tudor stone building remains; much (including the Great Hall) has perished without trace.

The site now consists of an Outer Court to the west, an Inner Court to the east, and an enclosed walled garden to the south of the south range of Inner Court.

Current Status

The castle is owned and maintained by the von Essen private collection of country house hotels.

History of the Venue

14th c. Manor house built, which included a hall, a chapel, a buttery, a pantry, a kitchen, a set of chambers, an inner court, an outer court, a 'hermitage', a prison and a dovecote.

1485 Jasper Tudor, 3rd Duke of Bedford, in possession of Thornbury via marriage to Katharine, widow of the 2nd Duke of Buckingham.

1511--21 Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, received licence to crenellate the castle. Much of the existing manor house was incorporated into the rebuilding, which was incomplete at the time of the Duke's execution.

Princess Mary was resident at Thornbury.

1550 Castle no longer used as a residence.

1720 Castle was partially roofed.

1811 Some restoration, including the south tower.

1854 Full restoration by Anthony Salvin.

Patrons who owned this venue

Name Date Titles
Stafford, Edward 1478-1521 Baron Stafford
Stafford, Edward 1478-1521 Earl of Stafford
Stafford, Edward 1478-1521 Duke of Buckingham
Stafford, Edward 1478-1521 Earl of Buckingham
Stafford, Edward 1478-1521 Knight of the Garter
Stafford, Edward 1478-1521 Knight of the Bath
Tudor, Jasper 1430-1495 Earl of Pembroke
Tudor, Jasper 1430-1495 Earl of Pembroke
Tudor, Jasper 1430-1495 Duke of Bedford
Wydevill, Katherine 1458-1497 Duchess of Buckingham
Wydevill, Katherine 1458-1497 Duchess of Bedford

Bibliographic Sources

  • Emery, Anthony. Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales 1300–1500. 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996--2006
  • Harris, Barbara J.. Edward Stafford: Third Duke of Buckingham, 1478 -- 1521. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1986
  • Hawkyard, A.D.K. Thornbury Castle. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 95 (1977): 51--58.
  • Kingsley, Nicholas. The Country Houses of Gloucestershire. 3. Cheltenham: Nicholas Kingsley, 1989
  • Mackenzie, James D. The Castles of England: Their Story and Structure. 2 vols. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1896
  • Orchard, D.R. A Brief History of the Manor and Castle of Thornbury with a Guide to the Grounds. Glastonbury: Orchard Bros., 1989
  • Platt, Colin. Medieval Britain from the Air. London: George Philip, 1984
  • Rudder, Samuel. A New History of Gloucestershire . Cirencester: Samuel Rudder, 1779
  • Thornbury Castle Gloucestershire. Np: Npub, nd
  • Verey, David, and Alan Brooks. Gloucestershire. 2 vols. London: Penguin Books, 1999--2002