Ripple Manor

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Venue Type & Location

Private Residence

Site Name: Ripple Manor
Location: Ripple Manor
County: Kent
Location Type: Countryside - at determined location


Located amid rolling hills near the E coast of Kent, Ripple (formerly Ripley) Manor was a 15th c. timber-framed hall house. The great hall originally was open to the roof, accommodating a central fireplace. An upper storey was added later.

The house has been refaced in red brick and has had numerous alterations made to it over the centuries. The residence came to be known as Ripple Court by the 19th c.

Performance History

A probable performance venue. Although relevant household records have not been discovered, one or more entertainers patronized by Alexander Iden performed at Sandwich in the mid-15th c.

Current Status

Privately owned residence.

History of the Venue

13th c. The manor was owned by the de Ripley family.

14th c. The manor passed to the Brockhull family and then the Idens of Iden, Sussex and Rolvenden, Kent.

mid-15th c. Owned by Alexander Iden.

by early 16th c. Sold to the Darell family of Calehill, Kent.

1553 Sold to the Baker family.

early 18th c. Acquired by Sackville Tufton, 7th Earl of Thanet.

1887 Renovations included movement of walls and building of an additional wing.

Record Source

REED Kent: Diocese of Canterbury 2.824

Patrons who owned this venue

Name Dates Titles
Iden, Alexander 0-1457

Bibliographic Sources

  • Brayley, E.W. The Beauties of England and Wales; or Delineations, topographical, historical and descriptive of each county. Beauties of England and Wales. 18 vols. London: Vernor and Hood, 1801–16.
  • Hasted, Edward. The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent. 1st ed [1778]. 12 vols. Canterbury: Printed for the author by Simmons and Kirkby, 1778.
  • Igglesden, Charles. A Saunter Through Kent with Pen and Pencil. 38 vols. Ashford: Kentish Express, 1900–194x.
  • Newman, John. North East and East Kent. The Buildings of England. Harmondsworth and New York: Penguin, 1983.
  • Philipott, Thomas [and John Philipott]. Villare Cantianum: Or Kent Surveyed and Illustrated. 1659. London: William Godbid, 1664.