Parish House

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Venue Type & Location

Parish house

Site Name: Parish House
Location: Somerton
County: Somerset
Location Type: Town - in town at determined location


Little is known about the Somerton parish house, which stood at the S entrance to St Michael and All Angels' churchyard.

Performance History

A rental of the church house paid by Lord Chandos' players is recorded in 1605.

Current Status


History of the Venue

1581--2 House purchased by St Michael's parish and rebuilt to serve as the parish house (as distinct from another, the church house), consisting of an upper storey hall, with kitchen and shop on the ground level. 'The shop, kitchen, and other chambers were normally leased, and the hall, approached by an external stair from the churchyard, was at first used for parish ales and other feasts. It was occasionally let to outsiders' (VCH: Somers 3.149).

by 1617 Used as a school, vestry room and for arms storage.

ca. 1840 The building, known as the Free School, was demolished.

Record Source

REED Somers 1.219

Bibliographic Sources

  • Page, William, and R.W. Dunning, eds. The Victoria History of the County of Somerset. Victoria History of the Counties of England. 4 vols. London; Oxford: Constable [vols 1–2]; Oxford UP [vols 3–8], 1906–12 [vols 1–2]; 1974–2004 [vols 3–8].
  • Pevsner, Nikolaus. South and West Somerset. The Buildings of England. Harmondsworth, Midd: Penguin Books, 1976.
  • Williams, E.H.D. 'Church Houses in Somerset.' Vernacular Architecture 23 (1992): 15–23.