Venue Type & Location
1/2 m SE of Painswick village, 4 m N of Stroud, off the A46.
Current Status
History of the Venue
13th c. Park established in Painswick, NE of the town.
14th c. Lodge built in the Park.
early 16th c. Large hall added, possibly for the reception of Henry VIII in 1535. At this time the lodge became the Painswick manor-house.
1540 Sir William Kingston purchases Painswick Manor from Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex.
1548 Sir Anthony Kingston acquires Painswick upon the death of his mother.
1556 Manor passes to Sir Anthony’s niece Frances, wife of Sir Henry Jerningham.
1570s Painswick Lodge leased to the Bishop of Gloucester.
19th c. E wing and S wall demolished.
1804 Manorial rights sold by Sir William Jerningham.
1831 Charles Jerningham conveys Lodge to A. Brown.
by 1839 Painswick Lodge Farm in possession of Sir Griffin Wilson.
1920s Purchased by the Murray family.
1972 Medieval W wing and 16th c. hall with 17th c. additions taken down.
Patrons who owned this venue
Name | Date | Titles |
Kingston, Anthony | 1508-1556 | Knight |