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Lea Hall

Venue Type & Location

Private Residence


Located in low-lying farmland near the coast of the Fylde region a few miles NW of Preston.

A timber-framed farmhouse reclad in red brick and converted from the only surviving wing of a late medieval manor house.

Performance History

The will of Alexander Hoghton (d 1581) includes mention of his 2 entertainers, Fulk Gyllom and William Shakeshafte, who presumably performed for their patron at his residence though no performance records survive.

Current Status

Old Lea Hall is still owned by the Hoghton family. The property continues to be actively farmed and the Hall is used by the tenant farmer.

History of the Venue

13xx Manor acquired by the Hoghton family through marriage.

late 17th/early 18th c. Likely period of conversion of the 2-storey wing, partitioned into several new rooms for domestic use. Lower ceilings and new windows inserted.
Original 5-bay post and truss frame mostly intact and still visible in the attic.

19th c. Kitchen extension added.

Record Source

REED Lanc 156--8

Patrons who owned this venue

[No data found.]

Bibliographic Sources

  • Bearman, Robert. '"Was William Shakespeare William Shakeshafte?" Revisited.'. Shakespeare Quarterly 53.1 (2002): 82--94.
  • George, David, ed. Lancashire. Toronto, Buffalo, London: U of Toronto P, 1991
  • The Victoria History of the County of Lancaster. 8 vols. London: Archibald Constable, 1906--14