Hawkins Town House

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Venue Type & Location

Private Residence

Site Name: Hawkins Town House
Location: Plymouth
County: Devon
Location Type: Town - in town at determined location


The Hawkins' town house was located in Kinterbury Street in the heart of Plymouth. Otherwise little is known about the building.

Most of the buildings had been replaced or were destroyed with the street itself during World War II.

Performance History

Possible performance venue. Although relevant family records do not survive Sir Richard Hawkins' musicians performed at his departure from the naval port at Plymouth in 1593.

Current Status


History of the Venue

15xx Hawkins family resided in Plymouth.

early 17th c. Sir Richard Hawkins relocated to an estate at Slapton, a few miles E of Plymouth.

1637--8 John Hawkins sold all remaining family holdings in Plymouth.

Record Source

REED Devon 255

Patrons who owned this venue

Name Dates Titles
Hawkins, Richard 1560-1622 Knight

Bibliographic Sources

  • Lewis, Michael. The Hawkins Dynasty: Three Generations of a Tudor Family. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1969.