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Hampton Lovett

Venue Type & Location

Private Residence


The railway to Kidderminster cuts through the site of the mansion, and the church is nearby.

“[The house] is surrounded by noble groves of trees, radiating avenues affording charming vistas, a fine park, and extensive sheet of water.”
[Noakes, J. Noakes Guide to Worcestershire, Longman and Co, London: 1868 at p.187]

Current Status

The house no longer exists.

History of the Venue

1524 John Pakington purchased Hampton Manor from the 4th Baron Mountjoy, and built a house known as Hampton Court.

1640s House destroyed during the Civil War. Pakington family relocated to Westwood Park, Worcestershire.

Patrons who owned this venue

Name Date Titles
Pakington, John 1477-1551 Knight

Bibliographic Sources

  • Maxwell, Fraser. Companion to Worcestershire. London: Methuen, 1949
  • Noakes, J. Noake's Guide to Worcestershire. London: Longman & Co., 1868